News and Speeches | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches


Public Meetings on the Draft Women Empowerment & Gender Equality Policy

24 August 2004

The City of Cape Town has compiled a Draft Women Empowerment and Gender Equality Policy. Read More

Second Stabbing Incident in one Week on School Premises

22 August 2004

Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore has condemned the stabbing of a 16-year-old learner in the neck, the second such incident this week on school premises. Read More

MEC Concerned about Stability and Quality Education Provision

17 August 2004

Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore has noted with grave concern some serious incidents in the last few days, which threaten the stability of schools and the quality of education provision to learners. Read More

Learner Died after Being Stabbed, Mec to Visit School

17 August 2004

Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore will this afternoon, at 14h00, visit the Matthew Goniwe High School in Site B, Khayelitsha, where an 18-year-old learner was stabbed to death in the classroom. Read More

Farm workers will remain on the agenda

17 August 2004

The last two days a farm workers in Indaba was held at Elsenburg at Stellenbosch and during the indaba a platform was established for a partnership between employer and employee in agriculture.   Read More

Education Minister, Naledi Pandor visits Pioneer Printers responsible for printing school material for the visually impaired nationally.

15 August 2004

Minister Pandor accompanied by the Western Cape Education MEC, Cameron Dugmore will tomorrow morning, 17 August 2004 visit Pioneer Printers, a printing house responsible for school material for the blind. Read More

Farmworkers in dialogue

14 August 2004

A historical moment in the lives of the farm worker community is taking place on 17 and 18 August 2004. Read More

Western Cape Education Department's Revised Policy for Learner Admission to Ordinary Public Schools in the Province

4 August 2004

Since being appointed MEC for Education, I have been confronted by the problems faced by many parents when it comes to the admission of learners at our public schools. Read More

Premier to Give Feedback on Cabinet Lekgotla Today

4 August 2004

Media alert - immediate The Provincial Cabinet held a Lekgotla this Tuesday and Wednesday in Saldanah Bay. The Premier will provide feedback from the Lekgotla which solidified this Government's work toward the Home for All at a Media Conference as... Read More

Statement by Minister of Agriculture on Suspected Avian Influenza

4 August 2004

Suspected Avian Influenza - Western Cape Alert   Read More

Press Briefing on Revised Admission Policy

3 August 2004

To all news media The Western Cape Education Department will release its revised policy and procedures for the admission of learners to ordinary public schools tomorrow. Read More

New Agricultural Training Centre to be Opened in Clanwilliam

3 August 2004

A new agricultural training centre will be opened at the Augsburg Gymnasium, Clanwilliam on Friday 6 August 2004 as part of the empowerment programme of the Department of Agriculture in the Western Cape. Read More

Statement by Western Cape Minister For Community Safety Leonard Ramatlakane

2 August 2004

Commenting on remarks made by Opposition political parties at a Media conference on 03 August in the Western Cape Legislature, Western Cape Minister for Community Safety Leonard Ramatlakane said: Read More

Ministry Comments on Crime Watch Patrol Issue

29 July 2004

Western Cape Minister for Community Safety Leonard Ramatlakane says he has noted with concern media reports of the incident where Provincial Police Commissioner Mzwandile Petros was made unwelcome at a meeting called to discuss the suspension of a... Read More

MEC Shocked at Brutal Killing of Twelve Year Old Rural Learner

28 July 2004

Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore has expressed shock and anger at the brutal killing of a 12-year-old rural learner who is suspected to have been raped and her throat slit. Read More

Education MEC to Provide Warmth to Koue Bokkeveld

26 July 2004

As a further demonstration of the Western Cape government's commitment to create a learning home for all, Education MEC Cameron Dugmore will be switching on the electricity of the Voorsorg Primary School in the Koue Bokkeveld near Ceres, today (... Read More

Massive Measles and Polio Immunisation Campaign 2004

25 July 2004

The Department of Health would like to urge parents, guardians, caregivers and the general public to bring their children who are under five years of age for immunisation at their near Read More

SAPS Memorial Wall for Fallen Colleagues Unveiled : Cape Town

22 July 2004

A memorial wall, remembering sixty-one police officers attached to various Units of the South African Police Service in the Western Cape who since 1994 paid the highest price for their Country whilst performing their duty, was unveiled by the... Read More

Minister Stali Hands Over Sporting Equipment To 220 Schools Of Western Cape

22 July 2004

Five Hundred thousand learners of the Western Cape will for the first time have direct access to nine different sporting codes, MInister of Cultural Affairs, Sport and Recreation, Chris Stali has announced during a hand-over of sporting equipment to... Read More

Deputy Minister and MEC to Warn Learners Against Dangers of Drugs

21 July 2004

Social Development Deputy Minister Dr Jean Benjamin and Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore will be addressing learners at the four high schools in George as part of the government's ongoing awareness and education campaign on drugs and... Read More
