News and Speeches | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches


Media Alert: MEC Madikizela to Deliver Speech at the National Home Builders Registration Council Business Strategy Launch

2 November 2010

Tomorrow (Thursday 4 November, 2010) the Minister for Human Settlements in the Western Cape, Bonginkosi Madikizela will deliver a keynote address at the launch of the National Home Builders Registration Councils (NHBRCs) Customer Centric Business... Read More

Minister Welcomes Withdrawal of Operating Licenses

1 November 2010

The Provincial Operating Licensing Board (POLB) today held a hearing for a decision on the fate of Mr. Jacob Humphreys' operating licenses. Read More

MEC De Lille Announces Emergency Summit

1 November 2010

Social Development Minister Patricia de Lille has confirmed that the number of babies being abandoned in the Western Cape is on the increase, saying 'the Department is organising an Emergency Summit to find practical solutions to arrest the trend.' Read More

Premier Zille to become The First South African to Join the Johnnie Walker Join the Pact Campaign

1 November 2010

Today, Premier Helen Zille will become the first South African to sign the pledge wall of the Johnnie Walker Join the Pact campaign. She will be accompanied by Provincial Minister of Community Safety Albert Fritz and Provincial Minister of Transport... Read More

Mental Health Awareness Day at William Slater

31 October 2010

On Sunday 31 October 2010, William Slater Step-down facility in collaboration with Bipolar Bears Support Group, hosted a workshop for the families and care givers of ex-residents. Read More

Thirty Eight Drunk Drivers Arrested in 'Safely Home' Operations

31 October 2010

During operations over the weekend two thousand two hundred and eight-seven (2287) motorists were stopped at Provincial Traffic integrated roadblocks. Read More

Peace in Hanover Park

29 October 2010

I have today been informed that the community of Hanover Park, through the Community Policing Forum, has had very successful peace talks with rival gangs in the area. Read More

Media Alert: MEC Fritz to Deliver Keynote Address at Chrysalis Academy Graduation

28 October 2010

Western Cape Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, will tomorrow deliver the keynote address at the Chrysalis Academy Graduation Ceremony in Tokai. Read More

Transport Head of Ministry Reponds to Level Crossing Accident Media Reports

28 October 2010

Since the tragic death of Sorette Fourie at level crossing near Simonsvlei (Divisional Road 1103, km 3.41) on Monday morning, there have been numerous media reports apportioning blame. Read More

Education MEC Announces Progress on Mobile Classroom Plan

27 October 2010

In February, I announced the Western Cape Education Department's Infrastructure plan which aims to address the backlogs in school infrastructure in the Province. Read More

One Point Three Million Rand Sonar Machine for Province's 'Heart' Hospital

27 October 2010

Following negotiations on behalf of the Western Cape Health Minister, Theuns Botha, with the private sector to acquire more medical equipment for Western Cape public health facilities, RentWorks donated a heart sonar machine to Groote Schuur... Read More

Hanover Park Community Health Centre Doors to Re-Open

27 October 2010

The Department of Health decided yesterday to close the Hanover Park Community Health Centre (CHC) as it became increasingly difficult to secure staff and patient safety after eruption of gang violence in the area. Read More

2010 Provincial Cecilia Makiwane Nurse's Recognition Awards Ceremony

27 October 2010

The Western Cape Department of Health hosted its annual Provincial Cecilia Makiwane Nurse's Recognition Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 at the Lord Charles Hotel in Somerset West. Read More

Media Alert: Community Safety MEC to Hold Public Meeting in Atlantis

26 October 2010

Western Cape Minister of Community Safety, Albert Fritz, will tomorrow hold a public meeting in Atlantis.This meeting is an opportunity for the Minister to engage directly with the community, in an attempt to address their safety and security... Read More

Media Alert: Media Update on the Roll-Out of Mobile Classrooms to Reduce Overcrowding in Schools

26 October 2010

Tomorrow, Western Cape Education Minister, Donald Grant will be briefing media on the roll-out of additional mobile classrooms to alleviate overcrowding in some of our province's schools. Read More

Statement by MEC De Lille: James Restoration Home is an Illegal Drug Rehabilitation Centre

26 October 2010

Social Development Minister Patricia de Lille says Ashley Haas and Brent Florence, the two men swept out to sea on Monday during a SABC Fokus shoot at the Wolfgat Nature Reserve, were residents of an illegal drug rehabilitation centre. Read More

Addressing the Social Development Indaba

25 October 2010

Honourable members of the standing committee, Social Development Department officials and employees, NGOs and members of the media, welcome to our Social Development Indaba. Read More

Media Alert: Annual Provincial Cecilia Makiwane Nurse's Recognition Awards Ceremony

25 October 2010

The Western Cape Department of Health will host its annual Provincial Cecilia Makiwane Nurses Recognition Awards Ceremony to recognise the important role played by nurses, who are often overlooked and undervalued. Read More

Media Alert: Hanover Park Health Facility Temporarily Closed due to Gang Violence

25 October 2010

Due to the recent gang activities in Hanover Park, the Community Health Centre (CHC) has temporarily closed. Ministers Theuns Botha and Albert Fritz will be visiting the Hanover Park CHC this morning at 09:30 to assess the status of safety at the... Read More

German Company Donates Further Ten Million Rand towards Endoscopic Training

25 October 2010

Theuns Botha, Western Cape Minister of Health, yesterday afternoon met with Dr. Read More
