News and Speeches | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches


Minister Anroux Marais' Speech at the District Cheque Handover in Central Karoo

7 April 2016

Speaker of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament, Sharna Fernandez District Mayor of the Central Karoo District, Cllr E. J Njadu Mayor of Beaufort West, Truman Prince Chief Director of Sport, Advocate Lyndon Bouah Our partners in sport Media Read More

Prevention is Free - World Health Day 7 April 2016

6 April 2016

Health means different things to different people, some people rarely become ill, while others never seem to be well!  There are however a handful of illnesses that we can completely prevent and this prevention is free.  Read More

Media Alert: Central Karoo District Receives R110 000 for Sporting Activities

6 April 2016

Following the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s budget for the 2016/17 financial year, Minister Anroux Marais will hand over ceremonial cheques to each district across the province.   Read More

Health Infrastructure Upgrades

5 April 2016

Knysna Hospital has enjoyed numerous upgrades to the delight of staff and the community. One will hardly recognise the hospital from the N2 should your visit have been more than four years ago. The old Emergency Centre (EC) was replaced by a state-... Read More

Eighteen people killed on Western Cape roads over the weekend

4 April 2016

Western Cape Provincial Traffic Services arrested 23 motorists for allegedly driving under the influence of alcohol on 1 and 2 April 2016. Eighteen people died in road crashes over the weekend. Read More

Media statement: WC Cabinet to use remote controls for traffic lights

1 April 2016

WC Cabinet to use remote controls for traffic lights Read More

DCAS supports young artists as part of CTIJF

1 April 2016

The 17th Cape Town International Jazz Festival (CTIJF) will be held on 1 and 2 April 2016 at the Cape Town Convention Centre where acclaimed national and international performances will be on show. Read More

Foetal Alcohol Syndrome research findings to be revealed by DSD and FARR

1 April 2016

The findings into a 3 year study into the prevalence of Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) in the West Coast region will be revealed by Minister Fritz and Ms. Leana Olivier, the CEO of the Foundation for Alcohol Related Research (FARR). Read More

Vote 3 Provincial Treasury Budget Vote

31 March 2016

Honourable Speaker and Deputy Speaker Honourable Premier and Cabinet Colleagues Honourable Leader of the Official Opposition Honourable Leaders of Opposition Parties Honourable Members of the Western Cape Legislature Read More

Western Cape's R23 m Lifeline for Drought Relief

31 March 2016

The Western Cape Government has thrown a R23 million lifeline to farmers hit by the impact of drought. Alan Winde, Minister of Economic Opportunities, made the announcement yesterday (30 March 2016) during his 2016/17 budget speech for the... Read More

Minister Madikizela delivered his 2016/17 Budget Vote

30 March 2016

Madame Speaker Madame Premier Cabinet colleagues Leader of the official opposition Members of Provincial Legislature Read More

Minister Grant to deliver Transport and Public Works Budget Vote Speech

30 March 2016

Today (30 March 2016), Minister of Transport and Public Works, Donald Grant, will deliver the 2016/2019 departmental Budget Vote speech in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Read More

Road death statistics discrepancy

30 March 2016

Forensic Pathology Data indicate Easter pedestrian death toll in Metro higher than preliminary reports Read More

2016/2017 Department of Community Safety Budget Speech

30 March 2016

Honourable Speaker, Premier, Cabinet Colleagues, Members of the Standing Committee on Community Safety, Members of the Provincial Parliament, Provincial Police Commissioner, Municipal Police Chiefs, Read More

Budget Vote Speech by Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works

30 March 2016

Statement by Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works Read More

Minister Winde Tables Budget to Grow Western Cape Agriculture Sector

30 March 2016

I am standing before you today during an extraordinary time for our agriculture sector. This month we learned that the Western Cape’s agriculture sector is creating jobs at the fastest pace in the country. Read More

Young sailors from China at Spectacular Championship

29 March 2016

On Thursday, 24 March 2016 the Western Cape Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport (DCAS) welcomed a Chinese delegation of five young sailors from the Qingdao Administration Centre of Sailing Sport on their arrival in the Western Cape. Read More

Media Alert: MOD learners showcase talent ahead of Minister Marais budget speech

29 March 2016

Tomorrow, 30 March 2016, Western Cape Minister of Cultural Affairs and Sport, Anroux Marais will deliver the department’s 2016/17 Budget Vote Speech in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Read More

Budget Speech Vote 7 on Social Development

29 March 2016

[The following speech was delivered by Western Cape Social Development Minister, Albert Fritz, at the Western Cape Provincial Parliament on Tuesday 29 March 2016, during his presentation of the Department of Social Development’s Budget Vote 7 for... Read More
