Worcester/Robertson Cleared of African Horse Sickness | Western Cape Government



Worcester/Robertson Cleared of African Horse Sickness

12 July 2006
Early in April 2006 a temporary ban was imposed on the movement of horses, mules, donkeys and zebras in the Worcester and Robertson magisterial districts. The purpose of this ban was to limit the spread of an outbreak of African Horse Sickness on the border between these districts. Since the last case of the disease was diagnosed four weeks ago Veterinary Services of the Western Cape Department of Agriculture is now in a position to, with effect on Friday 14 July 2006, lift the ban.

It must be emphasised that all movement of horses within and into the African Horse Sickness control zones in the Western Cape must still adhere to the protocol requirements that have been in place before the ban was instituted. The details of these requirements can be obtained from the closest State Veterinarian or the State Veterinarian, Boland on telephone 021 808 5026 during office hours. The protocol aims at preventing the introduction of African Horse Sickness into the Western Cape.

With the cooperation of all role players, and in particular the owners of horses, it was possible to contain the outbreak to a limited area in the Worcester and Robertson districts. The Department of Agriculture appreciates the cooperation that they received at all times during the period that the ban on the movement of animals was in place.

I want to thank officials of the department for their dedication as well as horse owners for the partnerships that they've formed with us to control and curb the sickness.

Alie van Jaarsveld
Ministry of Agriculture: Western Cape
Tel: 021 483 4930
Fax: 021 483 3890
Email: avjaarsv@pgwc.gov.za

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