WCDoA commemorates United Nations International Day of Rural Women 2024 | Western Cape Government



WCDoA commemorates United Nations International Day of Rural Women 2024

16 October 2024

The Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA) proudly joins the global community in celebrating the United Nations International Day of Rural Women on 15 October 2024. This day serves to honour the critical role rural women play in advancing agriculture, fostering rural development, strengthening food security, and alleviating rural poverty.

The 2024 theme, “Rural Women Confront the Global Cost-of-Living Crisis,” highlights the essential contributions rural women and girls make to household food security worldwide, particularly amidst economic challenges. First officially recognised by the United Nations in 2008, the day coincides with World Food Day, celebrated annually on 16 October, underlining the inseparable link between rural women and global food systems.

In many rural communities throughout the Western Cape, women are the primary breadwinners, caregivers, and the backbone that holds society together. In recognition of this, the WCDoA is hosting a commemorative event in the town of Murraysburg, Central Karoo, on 15 October 2024. Sixty women from the community will participate in an Information Day tailored to address the pressing developmental needs of rural women.

Key areas of focus include:

  • Combatting climate change and its impact on work opportunities and agricultural activities at the household level.
  • Financial literacy, with a special drama production provided by the provincial Department of Economic Development and Tourism to raise awareness about managing personal finances.
  • Preventing Gender-Based Violence and Femicide, another critical issue for rural women, which threatens not only their well-being but also the stability of rural communities.

The event aims to equip participants with practical skills that empower them to continue their vital contributions to food security, while also addressing the global cost-of-living crisis. By promoting financial resilience and climate change impacts awareness, the programme seeks to uplift rural women, ensuring they are better prepared to face current and future challenges.

The WCDoA encourages all residents to reflect on the importance of this day, as it:

  1. Celebrates the achievements of rural women in agriculture and rural economies.
  2. Reminds us to reach out and support rural women and girls in gaining access to essential resources and opportunities.
  3. Challenges us to break down stereotypes, confront discrimination, and empower rural women to rise above societal limitations.

The WCDoA reaffirms its commitment to supporting, capacitating, and empowering rural women throughout the province. We remain steadfast in reaching out to the most vulnerable members of our society and addressing the challenges they face through collaboration and action.

To all rural women who contribute to the global food system, uplift their communities, and contribute to our collective well-being, we salute you.

Media Enquiries: 

Mary James

Head of Communication

Cell: 084 817 2376

Email: Mary.James@westerncape.gov.za