News and Speeches | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches


Breastfeeding Awareness Week: 2006

2 August 2006

Press release by Minister Pierre Uys, Minister of Health in the Western Cape on Breastfeeding Awareness Week : 1-7 August 2006 The theme for World Breastfeeding Week is: Code Watch 25 Years of protecting Breastfeeding Read More

WCED Working With Engineering Industry to Support Teachers

2 August 2006

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is working with various role-players in the engineering industry, to develop in-service training programmes for teachers who teach mathematics, science, technology and related subjects in Grades 10 to 12. Read More

Western Cape Schools Excel in National Computer Olympiad

1 August 2006

Out of a record number of 31,926 students from 433 schools around the country, no less than eight of the 15 finalists for this year's National Computer Olympiad are from the Western Cape - of which three each from Rondebosch and Stellenberg high... Read More

Joint press Release (Premier and Health Ministry) on Reaching Target for Cervical Cancer Screening

31 July 2006

Cervical cancer is a disease which is preventable and curable if discovered in time through a pap smear, Premier Rasool said at the start of National Womens month. Read More

Cervical Cancer Awareness

31 July 2006

"Cervical cancer is a disease which is preventable and curable if discovered in time through a pap smear, " Premier Rasool said at the start of National Womens month today. Read More

Sponsorship for Bellville South High School

31 July 2006

Six learners from Bellville South High jetted off to China on 1 August 2006 (Tuesday) to represent South Africa in an international youth entrepreneurial competition. Read More

Western Cape Provincial Parliament Supports Good Governance and Peace

30 July 2006

Mr Shaun Byneveldt, Speaker of the Western Cape Provincial Parliament (WCPP), leads a multiparty delegation of Western Cape parliamentarians to a conference hosted by the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA). Read More

Ban of Ostrich Movement Lifted

27 July 2006

The ostriches infected with the H5N2 Avian Influenza virus, as well as the high risk contact animals, in the Riversdale district have been culled during the last ten days. Read More

New Cardiac Catherisation Laboratory for Groote Schuur Hospital

26 July 2006

Minister Uys opened a new R12 million Cardiac Catheterisation "Cath" Laboratory at Groote Schuur Hospital today. The DG Murray Trust has generously funded the purchase of the new lab, which will make a huge difference to the clinical services at the... Read More

Special Provincial Government Awards at SAFA Commemorative Dinner

26 July 2006

The South African Football Association, in conjunction with the Provincial Government of the Western Cape and the City of Cape Town, will host a Commemorative dinner that seeks to unite Capetonians towards the 2010 World Cup and market Cape Town and... Read More

Killing of Five Langa Youngsters

24 July 2006

The killing of the five youngsters last night was a dastardly act, and we urge the police to act swiftly to prevent further bloodshed. Read More

Grade 10 June Exams

24 July 2006

The Western Cape Education Department (WCED) is monitoring the results of Grade 10 June exams to assess how schools are adapting to the new curriculum for Grades 10 to 12. Read More

Introduction to Members of the Interim Western Cape Musicians' Association

24 July 2006

The Minister of the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport: and Recreation, Mr. Whitey Jacobs, cordially invites you to an information session for musicians or relevant persons in the music industry. Read More

Western Cape Provincial Parliament Dedicated to Public Participation

23 July 2006

A delegation of 27 representatives of the Western Cape will over the next two days deliberate on how to get more people to effectively participate in the work of this Provincial Parliament. Read More

Chinese Government to Learn from Western Cape Provincial Parliament

23 July 2006

A second significant Chinese delegation in less than a month will be visiting the Western Cape on 26 July 2006 to explore closer inter-legislature relations and co-operation. Read More
