Report into rape allegations concluded by Department | Western Cape Government



Report into rape allegations concluded by Department

15 June 2022

Recent media reports relating to allegations of sexual harassment and rape, made by a student at UCT and employee of The Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness have been thoroughly and independently investigated. Due diligence was followed, all identified witnesses were interviewed and a comprehensive, in-depth final report has been concluded.  

The Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness views matters relating to any sexual misconduct in a serious light and hence the appointment of an independent investigating officer (IO).  

The investigation, through interviews, has concluded that there is absolutely no material evidence to support the allegations made. The investigating officer’s report, through interviews with witnesses, found that fraudulent claims of rape and sexual harassment had been made and that evidence had been fabricated.  

The Department does not shy away from dealing with allegations of sexual harassment, but in doing so we remain fair to all parties involved. We continue to avail support to everyone affected by this matter.   

We thank the IO for treating this sensitive matter with the necessary care and thoroughness. The Department will provide the contents of the report to the relevant investigating authorities.