Pregnancy Education Week : 18 - 26 February 2006 | Western Cape Government



Pregnancy Education Week : 18 - 26 February 2006

17 February 2006
The aim of Pregnancy Education Week is to provide pregnant women, their partners and the broader community with the knowledge of how to ensure a safe pregnancy outcome for both the mother and her baby.

"We focus on saving mothers and babies through early booking, early recognition of danger signs and early intervention " minister Uys said. South Africa and the Western Cape have a high infant and maternity mortality rate. Countrywide it is 12 times higher than the international Western standard. The estimated maternal mortality rate for South Africa is 175 for every 100 000 births. In the Western Cape the figure is much lower than half with 77 maternal deaths for every 100 000 births. " Through awareness weeks such as these we try to lower the mortality rate " says Uys.

Min Uys said women must not only adapt to a healthier lifestyle during pregnancy, but must also be more cautious then usual. He gave the following advice to pregnant women:

  • Visit your nearest clinic or doctor as soon as you suspect that you may be pregnant.
  • Book early and attend regularly for check-ups.
  • Nurture yourself - your nutrition is important as are exercises during pregnancy.
  • Substance abuse eg alcohol and smoking can harm your unborn baby. Avoid these at all costs during and after the birth of your infant.
  • Know you and your partner's HIV status - ask about voluntary HIV counseling and testing at your nearest clinic.
  • Discuss with your local clinic the need for a birth companion.
  • Discuss and plan feeding options with clinic staff.
  • Know the danger signs during pregnancy and seek help immediately at your local clinic or doctor when these signs are noted. These signs include:
    • bleeding from the vagina
    • headaches
    • blurred vision or seeing stars
    • swollen hands, feet and/or face
    • fits
    • fever
    • paleness and /or tiredness
    • difficulty in breathing
    • lower abdominal pains
    • baby not kicking well.

" Partners of pregnant women must also be aware of their responsibilities and not neglect their duties " Minister Uys concluded.

Herman van der Westhuizen
Media Liaison Officer to the Minister of Health
Tel: 021 483 2627

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