Oral Reply to Questions on Education | Western Cape Government



Oral Reply to Questions on Education

22 November 2005
Oral reply to questions on Education

Western Cape Education MEC Cameron Dugmore answered questions on the restructuring of the department and pupils taking maths, from opposition members in the Western Cape Provincial Legislature yesterday (Tuesday 22 November):

Mr S Esau to ask Mr C M Dugmore, MEC for Education:

What will be required of the consultant tasked with restructuring the administrative posts within his department?

Answer: The re-designing process that the WCED will be embarking upon will entail more than the restructuring of adminstrative posts within the department.

The WCED is responsible for the implementation of the very important Human Capital Development Strategy (HCDS) of the Provincial Government of the Western Cape (PGWC). In order for the WCED to undertake the challenges of implementing this lead strategy it became necessary to undergo a full-scale organisational re-design exercise to gear itself to deliver on its mandate. This exercise is all-encompassing and thus not limited to the restructuring of the administrative posts of the Department.

The service provider that will be appointed have to diagnose and analyse the HCDS with a view to identify shortcomings in the organisational design that would negatively impact on the implementation of the HCDS, and will submit reports in this regard.

Mr S. Esau to ask:

What does his department do in the event of a pupil who has the capacity to do mathematics on the higher grade and who does not have a suitably qualified teacher within an urban and rural context?

Answer: The Department offers a number of possibilities to learners who have the capability to offer Mathematics on the higher grade but who do not have a qualified teacher. Firstly, such a learner can be accommodated at one of the Dinaledi schools, which specialise in teaching Mathematics. In particular, a learner could attend the Cape Academy for Mathematics, Science and Technology. The school offers hostel accommodation for learners who do not live close enough to access the school on a daily basis.

Secondly, the Department has in the past arranged for learners to attend tutorials to support their learning in Mathematics. This practice will be continued as a method of supporting learners with potential in Mathematics.

Furthermore, the Department has already piloted the transmission of Mathematics lessons from one classroom to another where there is a teacher in one classroom but interactive electronic whiteboards in both classrooms so that all learners can be actively involved in the learning process. This would enable one teacher to support additional learners where there is a shortage of teachers.

For enquiries

Gert Witbooi
Media Liaison Officer
Office of the MEC for Education
Western Cape
Tel: 021 467 2523
Fax: 021 425 5689
Email: gwitbooi@pgwc.gov.za
Visit our website: http://wced.wcape.gov.za

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