New Oncology Equipment and World Cancer Day | Western Cape Government



New Oncology Equipment and World Cancer Day

2 February 2006
The acquisition of a new R3,2 million Oncology Afterloader, installed at the Tygerberg Hospital, is celebrated today (3 February) on the eve of World Cancer Day (4 February )

The state-of-the-art equipment allows for a more sophisticated treatment of cancer patients and drastically reduces hospitalization times for certain cancer patients, says Minister Uys. "We continuously update and improve our cancer services because cancer patients often still have many fruitful years ahead if they receive special treatment. Our Provincial Cancer control programme is aimed at doing just that" he said.

This year the World Cancer Campaign theme is " My Child Matters". Worldwide 90 000 children die of the disease. In the Western Cape ,as elsewhere in South Africa, childhood cancer makes up 2% of all cancers reported.

In South Africa one in four males and one in five females between 0 and 74 years is at risk of developing cancer. About 7 000 new cancer cases are expected to be reported in the Western Cape alone this year. This is up by one thousand from five years ago. Tygerberg and Groote Schuur Hospitals treat 70% of these cases.. Our provincial cancer control programme is aimed at erasing the shortfall with a pronged approach which includes:

  1. Health promotion as a primary prevention measure
  2. Early detection
  3. Diagnosis and treatment
  4. Palliative care
  5. Hospice/step-down care centers for de-institutionalised patients
  6. Home based care.

"The provincial health department is concentrating on several remaining challenges which include poor access to treatment centers in rural areas, the development of standardized treatment protocols and staffing norms, human resource shortages and a population based cancer register" Minister Uys said.

He also praised his dedicated and professional staff for the sterling job they are doing in treating our patients with expertise and compassion.

Issued by:
The Directorate Communications
Office of the Superintendent of Health, Western Cape
Department of Health
Faiza Steyn
Director: Communication
Tel: 021 483 3235
Herman van der Westhuizen
Media Liaison Officer to the Minister of Health
Tel: 021 483 2627

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