News and Speeches | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches


Provincial Traffic Safety Campaign Yields More Arrests

4 August 2014

On 1 and 2 August 2014, 24 alcohol blitz roadblocks were held across the Western Cape. A total of 2 837 vehicles were stopped as part of Provincial Traffic services safety campaign. Read More

Minister Plato welcomes Safety Interventions and Arrests of N2 Highway Criminals

4 August 2014

Media Release by Dan Plato, Western Cape Minister of Community Safety Read More

Media Alert: Premier Zille to Attend Jinko Solar Power Factory Grand Opening

4 August 2014

Premier Zille will attend the official opening of the Jinko Solar Power Factory in Cape Town on 5 August 2014. Read More

Call for Proposals: Evaluation of Criminal Capacity of Children

4 August 2014

Invitation for proposals on categories of persons competent to conduct evaluations of the Criminal Capacity of Children in terms of The Read More

Public Transport Stakeholders Curb Effects of Metrorail Vandalism and Sabotage

4 August 2014

Statement by Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works Read More

Minister Plato to Attend Stellenbosch Provincial Policing Needs Public Meeting

4 August 2014

Tomorrow, Tuesday 5 August 2014, Western Cape Minister of Community Safety, Dan Plato, will attend the Provincial Policing Needs and Priorities (PNP) consultation process for the Stellenbosch police cluster. Read More

Breast is Best for Mother and Baby

4 August 2014

In line with Breastfeeding Week, the Western Cape Department of Health has a sustained focus on the promotion of maternal health and the health of young infants. Breastfeeding has been proven as an essential element in infant health with numerous... Read More

Skate Park Promotes Non-Motorised Transport

3 August 2014

The Gardens Skate Park under the Mill Street bridge was officially opened by the City of Cape Town and National Skate Collective on 2 August 2014. Read More

Toll Fees Hike for Chapman’s Peak Drive

3 August 2014

A contractual arrangement between the Department of Transport and Public Works and the Concessionaire provides for an annual increase in the Chapman’s Peak Drive toll tariff fees.   Read More

The Beginning of a Better You

2 August 2014

Minister Fritz attended his last Graduation Ceremony as the Chair of the current board of Trustees of Chrysalis Academy. Read More

Western Cape Government Health is Geared for Ebola

1 August 2014

Statement by Theuns Botha, Western Cape Minister of Health Read More

Minister Mbombo's Message for Women's Month

1 August 2014

On 9 August 1956, more than 50 000 women marched to the Union Buildings against having to carry passes. They coined the phrase “Wathint’abafazi, wathint’ imbokodo” (“You strike a woman, you strike a rock”). This sentiment continues to ring true... Read More

Majority of Western Cape municipalities receive clean or unqualified audits

31 July 2014

The Western Cape Government welcomes the latest announcement by the Auditor General with regard to the Audit outcomes of Local Government.  The Auditor General has awarded 29 out of the 30 municipalities in the Western Cape with clean or unqualified... Read More

Minister Debbie Schäfer Attends Launch of "How to be a Health Activist" Workbook

31 July 2014

Today, Minister Debbie Schäfer attended the launch of the ‘How to be a Health Activist’ Workbook at Vanguard Primary School in Athlone. Read More

Paediatric Specialist Recognised as one of Africa’s Most Influential Women

31 July 2014

Prof. Mignon McCulloch, Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) Consultant and Nephrologist at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, was recently recognised for her contribution to health. Prof. Read More

Premier's Entrepreneurship Recognition Awards: Call for Entries

30 July 2014

Premier Helen Zille calls for entries for the Premier’s Entrepreneurship Recognition Awards. The closing date for all entries is 15 August 2014. Read More

Minister Grant Condemns Acts of Vandalism on Metrorail Infrastructure

30 July 2014

Statement by Donald Grant, Minister of Transport and Public Works Read More

Minister Welcomes Appointment of Board Chairpersons for PRASA and SAMSA

30 July 2014

Honourable Dipuo Peters (MP) National Minister of Transport, has warmly welcomed the appointments of Dr Popo Molefe and Vice Admiral Johannes Mudimu as board chairpersons for the Passenger R Read More
