Ministers Dugmore and Skwatsha Visit School Building Sites | Western Cape Government



Ministers Dugmore and Skwatsha Visit School Building Sites

9 January 2005
Programme for joint visit on Monday 10th January 2005 by Provincial Ministers Dugmore and Skwatsha to various sites where mobile classrooms are being placed by contractors and new schools being built:

The first visit will start at 10h00 sharp at the Delft Secondary School. The last visit for the day, will be Elda Mahlentle in Marconi Beam, at 13h00. It is requested that media needing transport gather at Provincial Minister Dugmore's office at 09h30, 23rd floor Golden Acre Building. Otherwise media are welcome to follow in own vehicles. The purpose of the joint visit is to inform and brief media about progress and problems being experienced in the school building programme for the 2005 and 2006 school years. A detailed joint statement by both provincial ministers will be available tomorrow.

Time of Visit, School Site:

10h00: Delft Secondary School, Delft
10h40: Delft Leiden: Mobiles, Delft
11h00: Mfuleni Primary School
11h20: Mfuleni PS No.3 Mobiles
11h30: Mfuleni PS No.4 Mobiles
11h50: Kalkfontein PS, Kalkfontein
12h30: Inkwenkwezi School, Du Noon, Milnerton
13h00: Elda Mahlentle School, Marconi Beam, Milnerton

For further information contact Gert Witbooi at 082 550 3938.

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