Minister Cobus Dowry And Banks Meet To Discuss Assistance For Hail Stricken Farmers | Western Cape Government



Minister Cobus Dowry And Banks Meet To Discuss Assistance For Hail Stricken Farmers

21 November 2005
A severe hailstorm struck the Ashton, Montague and Bonnievale areas on 11 November 2005. I visited the area on 17 November 2005 and was accompanied by officials from my department. I was heartened by the plight of the farmers who were affected by the severe damage to crops due to the hailstorm. The 40 mm of rain that fell within 15 minutes accompanied by a severe hailstorm, caused damage to whole crops on 1024 hectares of orchards and vineyards.Damage to the 461 ha of fruit and 563 ha of vineyards are estimated at R27 million.

This morning I had a meeting with representatives from Banking Institutions, organised agriculture and the Deciduous Fruit Trust to discuss the plight of the farmers and farm workers from the 29 affected farms. This is not only short term damage as it is estimated that the damage to vineyards and trees in the orchards could take two years to regain the growth lost in the storm.

I am pleased to announce that the banks will be supporting the farmers on an individual basis and I want to request the affected farmers to contact their banks immediately in order to make the necessary arrangements. The banks have indicated that they have already assessed the situation and that they have in some cases already restructured some of the loans.

On most of these farms where seasonal labour are utilized, operations has come to a complete halt, resulting in job losses to these workers. The DFPT has already started with actions to link these workers with farmers who are in need of teams of seasonal workers. Some workers have already been placed. This effort will also be supported by Agri Western Cape.

It is in circumstances like these that the partnership between government and the private sector are demonstrated and where assistance is rendered when it is needed. I want to express my personal gratitude to the commercial banks for coming to the aid and assistance of our farmers.

Enquiries: Alie van Jaarsveld
084 604 6701

Alie van Jaarsveld
Ministry of Agriculture: Western Cape
Tel: (021) 483 4930
Fax: (021) 483 3890
Cell: 084 604 6701

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