Metro Police CCTV cameras nab first suspect in Gugulethu | Western Cape Government



Metro Police CCTV cameras nab first suspect in Gugulethu

12 August 2009
Wednesday morning, around 03:00, Metro Police's CCTV staff spotted three suspicious looking men in the yard of a resident residing on the corner of Koornhof and Yanta Roads in Gugulethu. A Metro Police vehicle was dispatched to the scene.

When the Metro Police Officers arrived, the men fled, but one was caught and apprehended. He was carrying a music centre and was arrested for being in possession of possible stolen goods.

Last week Executive Mayor, Dan Plato, unveiled the eight new CCTV cameras in Gugulethu and said that he was certain that they will help reduce the crime rate in the area.

"The arrest of this suspect is proof that the cameras will contribute in reducing crime in the area. The quick response time and good communication between the CCTV personnel and the operational members of the Metro Police resulted in the arrest.

Although we realise that the cameras will not completely eradicate crime in the area, we hope that it will at least discourage criminal activities in Gugulethu," said Ridwan Wagiet, Director: Metro Police CCTV.

Media Enquiries: 

Ridwan Wagiet
Director: Metro Police CCTV.
Tel: 021 419 2006
Cell: 084 300 2411

Nowellen Petersen
Media Liaison Officer, Metro Police.
Tel: 021 400 1752
Cell: 074 619 6449