Media Alert: Western Cape Education Department Literacy and Numeracy Campaign | Western Cape Government



Media Alert: Western Cape Education Department Literacy and Numeracy Campaign

7 February 2010

In November 2009, Minister Donald Grant launched the Western Cape's strategic plan for education for the period 2010 - 2019. One of the primary aims of this plan will be to improve the reading, writing and calculating abilities of learners in the Province.

For this reason, the Western Cape Education Department (WCED) has kicked off the year with a literacy and numeracy campaign to support schools in their efforts build the literacy and numeracy skills of children in primary school.

The literacy and numeracy campaign has been communicated through a number of different channels. These include billboards, mall displays, radio advertisements, leaflets, and advertising in trains and taxi's.

Tomorrow, Minister Donald Grant will be visiting one of the seventeen key commuter sites where we have erected billboards and will be briefing media on the overall campaign.

Where: Nyanga Junction
Time: 11h00
Date: 9 February 2010

Media Enquiries: 

Bronagh Casey
Media Liaison Officer
Ministry for Education
Tel: 021 467 2377