Media Alert: Official Opening of R260 Million Hospital Bend Upgrade | Western Cape Government



Media Alert: Official Opening of R260 Million Hospital Bend Upgrade

19 April 2010

The City of Cape Town will officially open the R260 million newly upgraded Hospital Bend Interchange on Thursday.


Councillor Elizabeth Thompson, Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Roads and Major Projects will officiate.

The upgrade will reduce traffic congestion on this important access route to the city, and improve the flow of traffic on the public transport lanes during peak hours.

Date: Thursday 22 April

Time: 10:00 - 13:00

Venue: Meet at Civic Centre and travel to Hospital Bend Interchange, Anzio Road (transport by bus will be provided).

All media are invited to attend.

RSVP: To facilitate transport arrangements it is essential that members of the media who wish to attend this event please contact:

Glynnis Dyers
Tel: 021 400 1221

Note: Not later then 13:00 Wednesday

Parking is available on the ground floor of the Civic Centre. Contact Glynnis if you require a bay.


  • 09:45 - Gather at Cape Town Civic Centre, exit to open parking area - opposite Volvo/Jaguar
  • 10:00 - Depart via bus to Nico Malan Hall at Groote Schuur
  • 10:30 - Briefing on the project
  • 11:15 - Bus tour of the site and ribbon-cutting at Anzio Road
  • 12:15 - Refreshments

Please note that media interviews will be conducted at the hall after the site tour.

Issued by:
Lisle Brown
Media Liaison Officer
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 3065
Cell: 084 888 1901




Media Enquiries: 

Councillor Elizabeth Thompson
Mayoral Committee Member
Transport, Roads and Major Projects
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 1218
Cell: 072 336 0497


Henry du Plessis
Roads and Stormwater
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 3720
Cell: 084 220 0227