MEC of Local Government and Housing, Qubudile Richard Dyantyi is meeting all Mayors and Municipal Managers on a Provincial Advisory Forum | Western Cape Government



MEC of Local Government and Housing, Qubudile Richard Dyantyi is meeting all Mayors and Municipal Managers on a Provincial Advisory Forum

15 February 2006
On the 16th of February 2006, the MEC of Local government and Housing in the Western Cape Qubudile Richard Dyantyi will meet all Mayors and Municipal Managers at the Cape Town International Convention Centre. This is his last Provincial Advisory Forum (PAF) meeting just before the Local Government elections. This platform creates an opportunity for the MEC and Departmental officials to interact with Mayors and Municipal officials on various issues.

This Forum seeks to strengthen relations between the Department of Local government and Housing and the municipalities. The MEC in his address will amongst other issues emphasize the importance of service delivery as from day one after the elections and acknowledge mayors who made substantial and meaningful efforts in their municipalities.

"This is a very important forum that seeks to strengthen the relationship between my Department and the municipalities. We ought to create and maintain confidence and respect for our municipalities so that we can have healthy working relations as we share the common goal of rendering quality service to our beneficiaries. Continuity on day one after elections is key to me", said MEC Dyantyi.

This meeting will take place at 8:30am and all members of the press will be afforded an opportunity to engage with the MEC on a media engagement session at 10:00.

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