MEC Grant: Matric Examination - Final Days to Prepare | Western Cape Government



MEC Grant: Matric Examination - Final Days to Prepare

4 October 2009
"A total of 48 492 full-time and part-time learners in the Western Cape will start writing the 2009 Senior Certificate examinations on Monday, 26 October," said MEC for Education in the Western Cape Donald Grant on Monday.

"This gives our learners only 20 more days to prepare. It is important that they use this time, especially in subjects where they have produced poor results during the September examinations or in subject areas they are unsure of."

The MEC said that 46 790 full-time and 1 702 part-time learners would be writing the examinations in 415 examination centres across the Province.

"This is an increase of 3 022 learners from last year," he said.

"We welcome this increase as our objective is to further build on this growth in years to come. By 2012 we would like to see 50 000 learners writing their final examinations."

Grant said that he would want to see an improvement in the pass rates this year.

"There is no way we can forecast what the outcome will be, but I would obviously want to see an improvement in both the pass rates and in the pass ratios."

Grant said that the practical examinations would begin on the 7th of October 2009.

"The individual candidate admission letters/time-tables for the practical examinations commencing on 7 October 2009 have been sent to schools. The remainder of the timetables and admission letters were printed last week, and will be distributed to schools this week for the examinations commencing on 26 October 2009. All schools have been issued with the final registration schedules and timetables."

"A total of 3100 markers will be appointed to do marking from 9 to 15 December 2009."

Grant added that learner support had been made available.

"This is a very emotional time for many of our learners. We have a school psychologist at each of our 49 circuits offering counseling and psychological support for candidates who feel pressurized and depressed during, after and before the exams," he said.

The MEC appealed to parents and caregivers to support their children during these last few weeks.

"They need a focused, quiet environment to learn in, and enough sleep and nutrition to keep their energy levels up."

"Although many of our learners are learning under trying circumstances, they must never forget that the result of their hard work and hours they put in now will have profound effects on the direction their life takes."

Media Enquiries: 

Bronagh Casey
Ministry for Education
Western Cape
Cell: 072 7241 422