Joint Statement: National Ministry of Housing, Provincial Government and City of Cape Town | Western Cape Government



Joint Statement: National Ministry of Housing, Provincial Government and City of Cape Town

21 August 2005
National ministers of the South African Parliament will meet at the Langa Sports Complex on Tuesday 23 August 2005 as the Inter Ministerial Council (IMC) to receive a briefing on the fast tracking of housing delivery with a special presentation on the N2 Gateway project.

The day's activities will focus on the joint venture between National, Provincial and Local Government to tackle the N2 Gateway project.

The N2 Gateway is a national pilot project in terms of Government's "Breaking New Ground" human settlement policy, the N2 Gateway project will deliver 22 000 housing units by July 2006 through upgrades of existing housing as well as new construction along the N2 highway from Cape Town International Airport into the City.

"When the three spheres of government channel their energies, resources and commitment, we can change the fabric of our society for the better. The N2 Gateway is an excellent example of co-operation between the three levels of government," said National Housing Minister Lindiwe Sisulu."

"This project signifies how the three spheres of government can unlock the barriers standing in the way of speedy service delivery. We hope that this example will inform similar programmes across the province and country", said MEC for Local Government and Housing in the Western Cape, Richard Dyantyi.

"The City of Cape Town welcomes the Inter Ministerial Council and is grateful for their presence, interest and commitment in helping to tackle the challenges of providing dignified housing for our residents. The N2 Gateway project is one important part of Cape Town's human settlement strategy which will see the development of many integrated housing and community projects continue over the next ten years," said City of Cape Town Mayoral Committee member for Housing, Carol Beerwinkel.

The IMC contingent will leave from Parliament and arrive at Langa at 11:15 where they will be met by City Manager Dr Wallace Mgoqi and senior City officials.

The party will go on a walkabout to see a temporary resettlement area, Intersite, where beneficiaries of the N2 Gateway are temporarily housed while their houses are prepared. The party will also visit Joe Slovo phase 1 of the N2 Gateway project.

At 13:00 the Minister, MEC and the City Manager will hold a media conference.

Amongst others the National Minister of Finance, Trevor Manuel, will attend.

Issued by:

Directorate: Communication and Marketing: City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media Queries:
National Housing Spokesperson:
Sandile Dikeni: 084 470 3959

Western Cape Provincial Government:
Vusi Tshose: 083 581 5265

City Of Cape Town:
Pieter Cronjé: 082 465 4965

Media Enquiries: