Invitation for Input to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy | Western Cape Government



Invitation for Input to the Arts, Culture and Heritage Policy

26 October 2005
The Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport is busy with a cultural transformation process.

One of the main objectives is to develop an arts, culture and heritage policy for the Province of the Western Cape. The development of this policy will contribute to efficient and effective service delivery and is also in line with the vision of the Cabinet to make the Western Cape a harmonious home for all.

  • It is a follow up on a cultural transformation indaba;
  • Stakeholders in the rural areas were presented with a preliminary draft of the policy at workshops with the aim of obtaining their input;
  • The MEC for Cultural Affairs, Sport and Recreation, will be hosting a Provincial Cultural Policy Summit during November 2005 to contribute to the finalisation of the draft policy.

All role players in the fields of arts, culture, heritage, language, libraries and museums are invited to visit to download and print the draft arts, culture and heritage policy.

Hard copies are available from the:
Cape Gateway Walk-in Centre
142 Long Street
Cape Town.

Feedback and Comments
You are welcome to submit your written feedback by 4pm on 4 November 2005 in one of the following ways:

The Head of the Department: Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport
For attention: Annerie Pruis
Private Bag X9067
8000 Cape Town

021 483 9711
For attention: Annerie Pruis


The input from the stakeholders will enable the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport to factor the aspirations and concerns of the broader community into the final policy.

Media Enquiries: