Good Reaction To City's Campaign To Assist Residents To Obtain A Bar Coded Id Book | Western Cape Government



Good Reaction To City's Campaign To Assist Residents To Obtain A Bar Coded Id Book

25 April 2005
It is estimated that some 400 000 potential voters in the greater Cape Town area do not have a bar-coded identity document. They will thus not be able to exercise their democratic right and participate in the Local Government Elections that will be held in a matter of months.

The Executive Mayor of the City of Cape Town, Nomaindia Mfeketo, wants all Capetonians to be able to cast their votes. For this reason R2,5 million was made available and a campaign launched on 18 April 2005 to assist residents at 200 venues across the city to obtain ID documents at no cost. This document is also the key to many other services and/or assistance. The campaign is being run in cooperation with the Department of Home Affairs.

In the first week 9 827 persons were assisted. This is 30% more than in the same period during the 2003 campaign, using one less team in the field.

Cllr Gawa Samuels, Deputy Executive Mayor of Cape Town, said: "This is an indication that Capetonians feel part of the new democratic management under the leadership of the Mayor of Cape Town and that they are eager to participate in the coming election. The City of Cape Town wants to "work for all.

For further information please contact the toll free number 0800 22 13 50 during office hours.

This free service will continue until 14 May 2005.

Issued By / Media Enquiries:
Hennie Smit
Head Of Communication
Office Of The Deputy Executive Mayor
Tel: 021 400 3162
Cell: 082 448 5217

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