Energy Risk Managment Committee Team | Western Cape Government



Energy Risk Managment Committee Team

9 March 2006
An energy risk management committee team, set up following two meetings with Government, Government institutions and industry leaders, met for the first time this afternoon (Thursday). The team, led by Provincial Minister of Environment, Planning and Economic Development, Tasneem Essop includes key leaders in business, labour, civil society, environmental groups, tertiary education institutions, law enforcement agencies, the health sector, the City of Cape Town, and the Regional Energy Distributor 1 (RED 1) and Eskom.

The terms of reference of this committee is to come up with a comprehensive strategy that will look at a plan for energy saving and load shedding to carry us through until the end of May. The plan will be equitable, predictable and take into account the needs of critical sectors and communities in the Western Cape. A comprehensive communication and campaign strategy will also be looked at, as well as looking at alternatives such as lifestyle changes.

At the next meet, scheduled for next Thursday, an integrated and comprehensive plan, developed by the City, RED1 (the Regional Energy Distributor 1) and Eskom will be discussed and finalised.
"While we recognise the justifiable anger about the current energy situation, we also believe that as citizens and leaders in the Province we will need to put our collective efforts into finding a responsible way of managing the difficult period ahead in the interest of all our people in the Province.

"I was impressed by the willingness and goodwill from everyone at the meeting. The impressive willingness to find solutions and immense goodwill that existed in the meeting among all leaders from the different sectors in the meeting is a good example for Capetonians and the citizens of the Western Cape during these challenging times."

Eskom estimates that we have to save approximately 300 Megawatts of electricity every day until the end of May. We are appealing to all our people to assist us in this energy saving exercise.

On behalf of the Western Cape Government we sincerely express our appreciation to all who are willing to finding solutions in this energy risk management committee," Minister Essop said.

For enquiries

Lynnette Johns
Media Liasion Officer to
Ms Tasneem Essop
Provincial Minister:
Environment, Planning and Economic Development
Phone: 021 483 3915
Fax: 021 483 6081

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