Claimants Urged to Help Build the New Community of District Six | Western Cape Government



Claimants Urged to Help Build the New Community of District Six

5 April 2006
Verified claimants who missed the earlier workshops are urged to attend one of a series of Open House Exhibitions that will commence on Saturday, 8 April 2006. Attending the exhibition will afford them the opportunity to help shape the future of District Six.

The Department of Land Affairs, the City of Cape Town and the District Six Beneficiary and Redevelopment Trust have arranged the exhibitions to provide information on the Draft Development Framework [DDF} for District Six. The DDF contains overall planning ideas and prospects for future development in this historic area of Cape Town.

Pogiso Molapo, the City's Manager: Land Restitution, says: "We would like claimants to view the drawings, hear about the principles that will guide future development, learn about the future plans and then comment
and provide input which will help guide and direct the building of the new community of District Six."

The exhibition will take place on the following days:


Saturday 8 April
Monday 10 April
Tuesday 11 April

Time: 10:00 until 15:00
Venue: The Homecoming Centre, 15 Buitenkant Street, Cape Town

The technical team members will be present on Saturday, 8 April 2006 to answer questions.

Issued by:

Charles Cooper
City of Cape Town
Media Liaison: Communication and Marketing
Tel: 021 400 3719
Cell: 084 628 8618

Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media Queries:
Pogiso Molapo
Tel: 021 400 2422
Cell: 084 308 0495

Media Enquiries: