City's Procurement Policy Brought Back in Line with National Laws | Western Cape Government



City's Procurement Policy Brought Back in Line with National Laws

29 May 2006
The City's procurement policy was brought back into line with national procurement laws as set out in the Preferential Procurement Act 5 of 2000 on 30 May 2006.

This reverses the requirement introduced by former Mayor Nomaindia Mfeketo on 17 June 2004 that any companies wishing to bid for city tenders must have a 30% black ownership component to be eligible.

This decision comes after a directive from the National Treasury stating that all exclusionary measures of this kind must 'be reviewed and corrected'.

The Treasury has stated that according to the Office of the Chief State Law Advisor "any bid condition that will exclude certain categories of potential bidders from bidding for contracts is unconstitutional".

The City also sought an independent legal opinion on the matter which subsequently confirmed that Alderman Mfeketo's change to the procurement policy was ultra vires for this reason.

The change back to a points credit system only for black ownership will ensure that the City can continue to promote empowerment of previously disadvantaged individuals without excluding any bidders on the basis of race.

Issued by:
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media queries:
Robert MacDonald
Mayoral Spokesperson
City of Cape Town
Cell: 072 638 7710

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