City Invites Community to Get Involved in Bracken Nature Reserve | Western Cape Government



City Invites Community to Get Involved in Bracken Nature Reserve

23 January 2006
In the heart of the Brackenfell residential area lies the 30 ha Bracken Nature Reserve. The vegetation type is West Coast Renosterveld and Sand Plain Fynbos, boasting a rich and unique diversity of succulents, geophytes, orchids, mosses and lichens.

The reserve has been managed since 2004 by City of Cape Town Nature Conservation. The Site Manager is Tshepo Mamabolo. She is assisted by Nokuzola Tyala. As from January 2006 the City has assigned a full time conservation student, Maya Stauch, to help develop the reserve.

An office has been established adjacent to the landfill site and plans are underway to develop this unique natural area into an asset that will benefit and enrich the lives of the local community.
The project will only succeed if the community becomes involved. The staff of the reserve have therefore decided to form a "Friends of Bracken" Association whereby the professionals and the local community can work together on joint projects to fully develop the potential of this lovely reserve.

To set the ball rolling an introductory meeting will be held on Tuesday, 24 January at the Brackenfell Library for people wanting to sign up for the "Friends of Bracken" Association. Tshepo and Maya will be in attendance from 12:00 to 14:00 and from 16:30 to 19:00 to meet with anyone interested in joining this exciting project to conserve our natural heritage and to educate our people. Together we can make it happen!

Further events will be planned in conjunction with the Pick 'n Pay Environmental Group in the near future. Volunteers are much appreciated and welcome at any time to come and lend a helping hand.
For further information contact Tshepo Mamabolo or Maya Stauch on tel 021 913 5695 during office hours.

Issued by:
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400-2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media Queries:
Tshepo Mamabolo
Bracken Reserve Manager
Tel: 021 981 6836 or 021 913 5695

Media Enquiries: