City Hosts Workshop to Promote Fair Trade in Crafts | Western Cape Government



City Hosts Workshop to Promote Fair Trade in Crafts

20 September 2005
Fairtrade is a trading partnership which seeks greater equity in international trade. It was originally used by those who support social justice and the alleviation of the intense poverty found in many developing nations. Recently it has developed into a movement which informs consumers about fair trade and identifies goods that meet certain agreed standards of fairness.

"Whilst the major portion of global Fairtrade sales is made up of coffee, craft is a small but significant portion of this. These are sold in Fairtrade shops across the world, using the Fairtrade label. Craft products include home accessories, jewellery, textiles, ceramics and clothing. Other products include tea, bananas, flowers and honey.

"The City supports the Fairtrade outcomes such as sustainable environmental practices, improved social services, investment in local economic infrastructure and fair compensation. Its principles of fairness, equality, safety, health, capacity building, transparency and accountability fit hand in glove with the City's principles," says Stead.

The craft workshop is aimed at sharing information about fair trade in the craft market and to define a shared vision for fair trade in crafts in the Western Cape.

The Fairtrade organisation is branching out into several sectors to promote its goals of fairness and sustainability. One such drive is for the labelling of wines. Next week Fairtrade SA is also presenting an agricultural workshop to explore and promote fairness in this sector.

The Fairtrade in Craft workshop starts at 08:30 (8.30am) to end at 16:30 (4.30pm) in Room 2, 6th floor, Podium Block, Civic Centre, Hertzog Boulevard, Cape Town.

For more information contact Grace Stead on 918 2564.

All media are welcome to attend.

Issued by:
Lisle Brown
Media Liaison Officer - City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 3065
Cell: 084 888 1901

Media Queries:
Grace Stead
Local Agenda 21 Co-Ordinator : City Of Cape Town
Tel: 021 918 2564

Media Enquiries: