Celebrating Excellence in the Further Education and Training Sector | Western Cape Government



Celebrating Excellence in the Further Education and Training Sector

22 September 2005
The fact that over one hundred entries were received by the public Further Education and Training (FET) sector awards panel for the prestigious honours, is proof of the level of excellence displayed by the sector, says the Head of the Western Cape Education Department Ron Swartz.

Mr Swartz presided over a Gala Awards evening this week in honour of employees in the sector, in which eleven categories of winners were honoured for excellence.

"The transformation of the FET college sector over the past few years had placed a heavy burden on staff. It also raised expectations as to what could be achieved by them. It is against this back ground that the WCED expresses its thanks and appreciation to all staff who remain inspired and committed to their tasks," said Mr Swartz.

He said the awards ceremony was the culmination of a lot of hard work by a number of people whose task it was to process more than 100 entries for the 2005 FET College Achiever Awards, which is a reflection of the level of excellence. This level of interest in quality and excellence is indicative of a healthy and vibrant FET college sector.


"Innovative Project" - False Bay - for their pilot project for inclusive education. This project is about providing access to mainstream training opportunities for people with disabilities.

"Social Responsibility Project" - this award went to two colleges namely College of Cape Town, Sakhumzi Children's Home and False Bay College, The Library Staff Animal Welfare Project.

"College Support Staff of the Year" - General Assistants of the Year Kenneth Jantjes, College of Cape Town Administration, Anna-Marie van Eck, South Cape College Management - Jeanne Bonnema, False Bay College

"Lecturer of the Year" Skills and Learnerships - Jacques Dethioux, College of Cape Town Utility and General Studies - Annemarie de Lange, Northlink College Business Studies - Mariam Sasman, False Bay College Engineering Studies - Evan Rutherford, False Bay College

"Excellence in Leadership Award" - Erina Crous, Northlink College

"Lifetime Achievement Award" - Neil Maggott, Northlink College


For enquiries, contact Gert Witbooi: 082 550 3938, or gwitbooi@pgwc.gov.za.

Gert Witbooi
Media Secretary
Office of the MEC for Education
Western Cape
Tel: 021 467 2523
Fax: 021 425 5689
Visit our website: http://wced.wcape.gov.za

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