Cape Town Goes Green with Energy Savings | Western Cape Government



Cape Town Goes Green with Energy Savings

13 September 2006
The City of Cape Town has approved a comprehensive Energy and Climate Change Strategy which provides the basis for the establishment of a five year integrated framework for implementation and investment in the city.

According to Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, Mayoral Committee Member for Environment & Planning, the strategy offers measurable targets and deadlines which will not only save energy, but put more disposable income in residents' pockets.

"This strategy, which has been in development since 2001, has put Cape Town in a leadership position on the African continent regarding sustainable environmentally friendly initiatives. The City is currently running 45 different environmentally friendly projects which are in line with the strategy.

"We have committed the City to achieve the definite targets addressing sectors such as transport, commerce and industry, residential homes, government and energy suppliers.

"The recent power shortage in the Western Cape was a wake-up call to everybody. It highlighted our need to develop alternative sustainable energy sources. Fortunately many households have adhered to the calls to save electricity," says Cllr Nieuwoudt.

On the residential front, the strategy aims to have solar water heaters installed at 10% of all households, and to install energy saving CFL light bulbs at all City owned houses and flats by 2010. It hopes that 30% of all households will follow suit by 2010 and 90% by 2020. It furthermore aims to fit ceilings in all new subsidised homes and all existing homes by 2020.

"The City of Cape Town is leading by example and aims to replace all incandescent light bulbs in Council buildings with CFLs by 2010. On top of that we want to reduce the City's internal energy consumption by 5% over the same period," she says.

The transport sector is responsible for over half of the total energy use in Cape Town (54%) with petrol accounting for 68% and contributing to local air pollution. This sector accounts for approximately 26% of Cape Town's total carbon emissions.

"With this strategy we aim to decrease the number of public vehicles by 10% by 2010, put in place a fully operational non-motorised transport strategy by 2015, and increase the use of rail transport in the public transport system.

"Our strategy aims to improve quality of life by improving energy efficiency, guiding transport issues and contributing to sustainable growth and development through cost-effective energy provision," says Cllr Nieuwoudt.

Issued by:
Jan Kruger
Media Liaison Officer
Tel: 021 400 1292
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media queries:
Cllr Marian Niewoudt
Mayoral Committee Member: Planning and Environment
Tel: 021 400 1307

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