Become More Vigilant about the Causes of Runaway Fires | Western Cape Government



Become More Vigilant about the Causes of Runaway Fires

2 January 2006
The Western Cape has been hit by unfortunate outbreaks of sporadic fires over the festive season. Minister Dyantyi would like to warn communities to be particularly careful over this dry period; especially with the volatile weather conditions we've been experiencing.

Strong winds, high temperatures and no rain are the weather conditions predicted for the foreseeable future, with "Red" and "Orange" Fire Danger Indices applicable over most parts of the Western Cape.

Fire fighting personnel from all agencies, already exhausted from veld fires and fires in informal settlements during the preceding weeks are currently regrouping and assessing the potentially disastrous fire danger period ahead. During periods of extreme weather a spark is sufficient to ignite the dry vegetation and a small fire can rapidly turn into a conflagration. There is an appeal to citizens to assist with preventing runaway fires by observing fire wise behaviour.

The public is once again alerted to the ban on open fires. This includes braai fires and the burning of refuse. A further warning is issued regarding cigarette butts, which are primarily known to spark fires.

Open fires are allowed for cooking purposes in residential areas, however caution should be observed at all times. A fire should never be left unattended and water should be readily available to douse the fire.

It is a priority to become conscious of activities that give rise to fires, especially in this dry season.

For inquiries and to arrange interviews with the MEC, please contact Debbie Francis on 084 423 1716 or 021 483 6672.

isiXhosa and Afrikaans versions are available on request.

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