News and Speeches for Ministry of Finance | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Ministry of Finance

Department of Agriculture Budget Speech 2012

27 March 2012

Speaker, Premier, Members of the Consular Core, Ministers, Members of the House, Industry representatives, Prestige Farm Worker Forum, Members of the media and friends of agriculture, Read More

Provincial Treasury Budget Speech 2012

26 March 2012

Honourable Speaker, Cabinet Colleagues, Leader of the Opposition, Members of the Provincial Parliament, Director-General and Heads of Departments, All the staff of the Provincial Treasury, Citizens of the Western Cape Read More

2011 Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award Ceremony

2 March 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Western Cape's Female Entrepreneur of the Year Award Ceremony. And yes, this is the 2011 competition, as the 2012 one will be held later in this year. Read More

Western Cape Budget Speech 2012

29 February 2012

Honourable Premier, Honourable Speaker, Honourable Members of the Provincial Cabinet, The Honourable Leader of the Opposition, Honourable Members of the National Assembly, Honourable Members of the Provincial Legislature, Heads of Provincial... Read More

Uitdagings in Suid Afrika se Landbousektor

28 February 2012

Vriende, dankie vir die geleentheid om saam met julle te kuier vannaand. En dankie vir die geleentheid om oor landbou en landbou uitdagings met julle te kan gesels. Read More

Tri-Lingual Dictionary Launch

13 February 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, Colleagues, Members of the press, Read More

Dias Festival Opening Speech

2 February 2012

Welcome to this year's Dias Festival. This festival reminds us of a great adventurer and sea captain. Read More

Elsenburg College Opening Ceremony

26 January 2012

Ladies and gentlemen, Colleagues and students, Read More

Landbouweekblad Ekspo Worcester Toespraak

24 January 2012

Landbou en Die Jaar Wat vir Ons Voorlê Read More

Western Cape Department of Agriculture Year-End Speech

12 December 2011

HOD, senior managers and all employees at the Western Cape Department of Agriculture present here today: Thank you for working so hard and for being so dedicated that we can reflect on 2011 in the proud manner we can today. Read More

Provincial Treasury Adjusted Estimates Speech 2011

4 December 2011

Provincial Treasury Adjusted Estimates Speech 2011 Read More

Department of Economic Development and Tourism 2011/2012 Budget Adjustments (Vote 12)

4 December 2011

Honourable Speaker, Cabinet Colleagues, Leader of the Opposition, Members of the Provincial Parliament, Director-General and Heads of Departments, Colleagues and friends, Citizens of the Western Cape, Read More

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement 2012-2015 and Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Expenditure 2011 Speech

22 November 2011

Medium Term Budget Policy Statement 2012-2015 and Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Expenditure 2011 Speech Read More

Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Expenditure 2011 Speech

22 November 2011

Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Expenditure 2011 Speech Read More

Provincial Economic Review and Outlook 2011 Speech

28 September 2011

Honourable Speaker,Premier and Cabinet colleagues,Leader of the Opposition,Members of the provincial parliament,Director-General,Heads of Department,Business leaders,The media,Special guests,Citizens of the Western Cape. Read More

The Way Forward for the Liquor Act

8 September 2011

Today is International Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) Day, the day to recognise that many children are being born into the world without any hope of leading a normal life because their mothers drank during pregnancy. Read More

Minister Van Rensburg's Address to the Rural Development and Land Reform Debate

20 June 2011

Chair, Minister Nkwinti, provincial MECs and officials, Read More

Minister Van Rensburg Addressing the National Chamber of Provinces

14 June 2011

Speaker, Minister Joemat-Pettersson, provincial ministers, and friends of agriculture: I am sure most, if not all of you, will agree with me that the summer of 2010/2011 will be remembered for all the things that went wrong for the agricultural... Read More

Department of Economic Development and Tourism: Budget Speech 2011/2012 (Vote 12)

24 March 2011

Department of Economic Development and Tourism: Budget Speech 2011/2012 (Vote 12) Read More

Department of Agriculture: Budget Speech 2011/2012 (Vote 11)

23 March 2011

Department of Agriculture: Budget Speech 2011/2012 (Vote 11) Read More
