News and Speeches for Provincial Treasury | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Provincial Treasury

Provincial Treasury 2019/2020 Budget Adjustments (Vote 3)

3 December 2020

The following speech was delivered by Minister David Maynier in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament. Read More

DashTech programme launched to strengthen tech ecosystem in the Western Cape

2 December 2020

To further strengthen our positioning as ‘Africa’s Tech Capital’, the Digital Economy unit in the Department of Economic Development and Tourism have launched the first Dash-Tech programme to build on the local start-up culture to support the tech... Read More

Procurement Disclosure Report reveals R1.7 billion spent on Covid-19

1 December 2020

We are pleased to publish the fifth edition of the Procurement Disclosure Report by Provincial Treasury. Read More

Concerns raised on constitutionality of 2020 DoRA 2 Bill

30 November 2020

On Friday, 27 November 2020, Premier Alan Winde and I submitted a section 79 petition to President Cyril Ramaphosa to bring to his attention material concerns over the constitutionality of certain aspects of the 2020 Division of Revenue Second... Read More

WCERA 2020: A celebration of entrepreneurial resilience

27 November 2020

The Western Cape Entrepreneurship Recognition Awards (WCERA) took place as a hybrid virtual event at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) last night (26 November 2020), during which twelve inspiring entrepreneurs were recognised for... Read More

WC MTBPS 2020 - “A Budget to Bounce Back in the Western Cape”

26 November 2020

Today we tabled the Western Cape Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement (MTBPS) and the 2020 Adjusted Estimates of Provincial Revenue and Expenditure in the Western Cape provincial parliament. Read More

Municipal Energy Resilience Project launched for a more energy secure future

24 November 2020

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the three-year Municipal Energy Resilience (MER) Project to assist municipalities to take advantage of the new energy regulations, which may include  purchasing of energy directly from Independent... Read More

Appeal to adhere to Covid-19 safety protocols ahead of “Black Friday” sales

19 November 2020

We are calling on all businesses and shoppers to adhere to strict Covid-19 safety protocols during the “Black Friday” sales that peak on the 27 November 2020 so that we avoid creating any super-spreader events during this time in the Western Cape. Read More

Full re-opening of international travel welcomed

12 November 2020

We welcome the announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa last night that the ‘red list’ will be scrapped and international travel to all countries will resume, subject to the necessary health protocols and the presentation of a negative Covid-19... Read More

Western Cape wins big at World Travel Awards, Africa 2020

10 November 2020

Congratulations to the Western Cape winners of the World Travel Awards’ Africa 2020 category which were announced yesterday (9 November 2020) and which reaffirm our status as a world-class travel destination.  Read More

First of its kind BPO Academy launched at the College of Cape Town

6 November 2020

Today (06 November 2020), saw the official opening of the BPO Academy at the College of Cape Town, Gardens Campus which will not only provide opportunities for young people to gain the necessary skills to graduate into an exciting career in the BPO... Read More

New brand launched to position Cape Town as Africa’s Tech Capital

5 November 2020

Cape Town and the Western Cape is Africa’s tech capital, and this was reinforced today (05 November 2020) with the official launch of a new brand to unite the tech ecosystem of Cape Town and the Western Cape and present a common message to the world. Read More

SafeTravels.CapeTown website launched to assist tourists visiting the WC

3 November 2020

Today (03 November 2020), we launched the Safe Travels website, which was developed by the Department of Economic Development and Tourism together with our destination marketing and promotion agency, Wesgro, to help domestic and international... Read More

Another year of clean audits confirms commitment to good governance

2 November 2020

The Auditor General of South Africa (AGSA) has completed the audit for the 2019/20 financial year in the Western Cape.  Read More

Procurement Disclosure Report reveals R1.59 billion spent on Covid-19

30 October 2020

We are pleased to publish the fourth edition of the Procurement Disclosure Report by Provincial Treasury. Read More

New campaign videos launched for the “We Are Open” tourism campaign

30 October 2020

Last week (28 and 29 October 2020), the Western Cape Government and Wesgro hosted events in Johannesburg and Durban to officially launch the “We Are Open” t Read More

Total’s gas reserve discovery at Luiperd welcomed

28 October 2020

We welcome the announcement today (28 October 2020), by the President of Exploration & Production at Total, Arnaud Breuillic, that a second di Read More

MTBPS2020: SAA bailout at the expense of safety, dignity and jobs

28 October 2020

What is clear from the Minister of Finance, Tito Mboweni’s, Medium-Term Budget Policy Statement, tabled today in the National Assembly (28 October 2020), is that our provincial budget has been cut by a further R1,47 billion in this financial year in... Read More

Don’t cut provincial budgets to bailout zombie state-owned airline SAA

21 October 2020

We are  concerned that provincial budgets will be raided to fund the R10.5 billion to bailout zombie state-owned airline South African Airways (SAA). Read More

Minister David Maynier tables 2020 PERO and MERO

20 October 2020

Today (20 October 2020), Western Cape Minister of Finance and Economic Opportunities, David Maynier, tabled the Western Cape Provincial Economic Review and Outlook 2020 (PERO) and the Municipal Economic Review and Outlook 2020 (MERO) in the... Read More
