News and Speeches for Department of Health and Wellness | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Department of Health and Wellness

Prevention is Free - World Health Day 7 April 2016

6 April 2016

Health means different things to different people, some people rarely become ill, while others never seem to be well!  There are however a handful of illnesses that we can completely prevent and this prevention is free.  Read More

Health Infrastructure Upgrades

5 April 2016

Knysna Hospital has enjoyed numerous upgrades to the delight of staff and the community. One will hardly recognise the hospital from the N2 should your visit have been more than four years ago. The old Emergency Centre (EC) was replaced by a state-... Read More

World TB Day 2016

24 March 2016

International World Tuberculosis Day (WTBD) will be commemorated on 24 March under the theme of “Unite to end TB”.  Read More

Easter Bunny makes special visit to Red Cross Children’s Hospital

24 March 2016

With Easter just around the corner, young patients at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital received an egg-stra special treat when the Easter Bunny arrived a few days early to make a special visit to the hospital on 24 March 2016.  Read More

Minister Nomafrench Mbombo Budget Speech 2016

18 March 2016

The following speech extract was delivered by Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, the Western Cape Minister of Health, during the Vote 6 Budget Debate in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament on 18 March 2016. Read More

Hypertension: A Silent Killer

16 March 2016

Hypertension is known as the silent killer since most people do not have any symptoms. In some cases hypertension causes symptoms such as headache, shortness of breath, dizziness, chest pain, palpitations of the heart and nose bleeds. Read More

Buddy – A friend that helps kids beat TB

7 March 2016

Western Cape Government Health at Brewelskloof TB Hospital in Worcester, together with partners, USAID TB CareII today introduced a new character, called Buddy aimed at helping children to recover. Read More

New pharmaceutical management system implemented at TC Newman

24 February 2016

Western Cape Government Health at TC Newman is currently implementing a new electronic inventory and dispensing programme. Read More

Western Cape Government Introduces First 1000 Days Campaign

17 February 2016

The provincial government’s First 1000 Days project was launched today by Western Cape Minister of Health, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, and Minister of Social Development, Adv. Albert Fritz. Read More

HPV Vaccination Campaign 2016 Starts Today

16 February 2016

Western Cape Government Health immunises all children free of charge.  These immunisations are in line with international guidelines, which aim to eradicate harmful illnesses that, if contracted can cause death.   Read More

Wellness Mobile Initiative Improves Access to Healthcare

11 February 2016

The Western Cape Government (WCG) continues to deliver on healthcare and improved quality education by reducing barriers to health access through the School Health Wellness Mobile initiative. Read More

New Patient Administrative (AR) and Billing system at Prince Albert Hospital

5 February 2016

The Clinicom and AR (Billing) systems were implemented at Prince Albert Hospital on Sunday 31 January 2016. These systems replaced the previous system that was used at the hospital. Read More

We Can All Contribute to Minimising the Risk of Cancer

1 February 2016

World Cancer Day is highlighted internationally on the 4 February annually. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), a multi-faceted approach is needed to reduce the risk of cancer, which includes nutrition, physical activity and body... Read More

New Year’s resolutions for your health

29 January 2016

Once the champagne corks have been popped to welcome in the new year, you often hear people name their resolutions for the new year. Some want to lose weight, others want to tick off an item on their bucket list or another vows to tighten their... Read More

Update On Typhoid Cases Confirmed in Western Cape

29 January 2016

An update on the current status of Typhoid Fever in the Western Cape and the media statement issued on 28 January 2016: Update 29 January 2016: Typhoid fever Read More

Play It Cool With Lunch Box Ideas

28 January 2016

For some kids, first and second break are the best school periods on the daily timetable. It is a time for playing with friends and when they can move around the school grounds carefree. It is also a time to open lunch boxes and see what is packed... Read More

Update on Several Meningitis Cases Reported in Mossel Bay

28 January 2016

An update on the current status of Enteroviral Meningitis in the Western Cape and the media statement issued on 28 January 2016: Current status: Update 29 January 2016 Read More

Equine Therapy piloted at Valkenberg Hospital

13 January 2016

With similar social and responsive behaviour to humans, horses have been noted to be a hugely beneficial mechanism used in therapy sessions for individuals with a variety of emotional and mental health issues.  Read More

2016 Health Resolutions: Building a healthier Western Cape

13 January 2016

WESTERN CAPE MINISTRY OF HEALTH 2016 2016 Health Resolutions: Building a healthier Western Cape Read More

New years' babies 2016

3 January 2016

Western Cape Government Health is proud to announce the birth of 162 babies as reported by public health facilities throughout the Western Cape on New Year’s Day. Read More
