News and Speeches for Department of Health and Wellness | Western Cape Government

News and Speeches for Department of Health and Wellness

"Hope and faith pulled me through" - Sr Joshua on her ICU COVID-19 experience

6 July 2020

Sr Brenda Joshua says hope and faith pulled her through her ICU COVID-19 experience.  She is a professional nurse at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital, spent 3 days in the intensive care unit (ICU) and a total of 10 days in hospital... Read More

Groote Schuur Hospital is thankful for ICU equipment and PPE donations

4 July 2020

Groote Schuur Hospital is thankful to the South African Medical & Education (SAME) Foundation for the recent donation to the value of over R4 million worth of equipment to be used in the hospital’s Intensive Care Units. Read More

Spreading warmth this Mandela Day

3 July 2020

In the lead up to Mandela Day on 18th July, there is an opportunity to focus our efforts to ensure our most vulnerable citizens can feel some “Madiba warmth” this winter.  Read More

George Psychiatrist on Covid-19 experience

2 July 2020

When Dr Anthony Petrie (63) from George Hospital received his positive result, he did not believe it could be positive. It was only when he received an email with his diagnosis, that he accepted that he had COVID-19. Read More

Groote Schuur Hospital Appreciation Wednesday hero: Develin Basson

1 July 2020

Develin Basson, an Administration Clerk at Groote Schuur Hospital is today’s Appreciation Wednesday hero. The campaign seeks to give appreciation to ordinary heroes who are inspiring others during the Covid-19 pandemic.   Read More

Protect and save lives: Use a dedicated rural facility to isolate or quarantine

30 June 2020

Everyone needs to take definite action to protect the vulnerable and those at high risk of severe COVID-19. Read More

Doctor grateful for colleagues’ support during Covid-19 recovery

30 June 2020

Dr Gideon Titus, an Internal Medicine Registrar at Tygerberg Hospital, is appreciative of the leadership of the Internal Medicine department who regularly called to check up on him while he recovered from Covid-19 at home.   Read More

New Forensic Pathology Institute Facility is nearing completion

29 June 2020

The Western Cape Government Department of Health’s project to build the new Observatory Forensic Pathology Institute (OFPI) is 87% complete. The R281 million project is a larger, purpose-built, modern forensic pathology facility that is located at... Read More

Western Cape Health COVID-19 Platform Status Update - 25 June 2020

25 June 2020

Hospitalisation There are currently 1619 patients admitted in both the public and private sector facilities of which 262 patients admitted to ICU or High Care. To date, we have had 56 345 confirmed cases and 39 475 recoveries.   Read More

Groote Schuur Hospital Appreciation Wednesday hero – Amelia Rogers

24 June 2020

Today’s Appreciation Wednesday hero at Groote Schuur Hospital is Amelia Rogers, a Control Officer in the Environmental Hygiene Services (EHS). The campaign seeks to give appreciation to ordinary heroes who are inspiring others during the Covid-19... Read More

Traditional Leader is not ashamed of contracting COVID-19

23 June 2020

Chief Eric Galada, Traditional Leader in Langa, tested positive for COVID-19 in May, and spent 14 days in isolation, which he completed recently on 11 June 2020.  “People are scared or ashamed because of the stigma that exists.  I believe that... Read More

Tygerberg Hospital’s Chief Porter was motivated by colleagues to recover

23 June 2020

After recovering from Covid-19, Anthony McKenzie was happy to return to Tygerberg Hospital where he helps ensure the movement of patients between different locations in the facility. Read More

Epilepsy and COVID-19 – Awareness on National Epilepsy Day

22 June 2020

Around 10% of people have epilepsy, making it the most common of neurological conditions. It affects people of any age, with one in four affected experiencing their first seizure by the age of 20.  Yet few understand what it is, and how it is... Read More

A stroke is an emergency

22 June 2020

A stroke is an emergency – even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Across the world a drop in the number of stroke patients seeking emergency care in this time is reported, which can have a major impact in the recovery of these individuals.   Read More

Groote Schuur Hospital nurse receives Covid-19 treatment in ward where she works

20 June 2020

On 18 June Anita Richards, who has been a positive Covid-19 patient, was discharged from ward C13 at Groote Schuur Hospital. Sister Richards has been a registered nurse for 35 years at the hospital and has been a nurse for 20 years of this time in... Read More

New Healthbot launched for high-risk patients during Covid-19

19 June 2020

The Western Cape Government Health in conjunction with Aviro Health has developed an automated Chatbot application system via the WhatsApp platform, which confirms delivery of chronic medication to our clients’ homes. Read More

Nosisi's story – anyone can get Coronavirus

19 June 2020

On 27 May, Nosisi Jacobs received the news that she had tested positive for COVID-19.  The 33-year-old mother of three from Langa was advised to isolate for 14 days. However, she could not isolate safely at her home and shared her concerns with her... Read More

Health COVID-19 Platform Status Update

18 June 2020

Following the release of the outcomes of recovery trial in the UK, the Ministerial Advisory Committee has considered the results and made recommendation for the use of dexamethasone for patients on ventilators and oxygen. Read More

Colleagues support accounts clerk through Covid-19 treatment

18 June 2020

Pauline Ruiters, an Accounts Clerk at Tygerberg Hospital, considers herself blessed after she was flooded with daily messages of encouragement and hope while undergoing treatment for the coronavirus (Covid-19). Read More

Groote Schuur Hospital Appreciation Wednesday hero: Russell Stubbs

17 June 2020

Russel Stubbs who works as an Administration Clerk in the Finance Department is today’s Appreciation Wednesday hero at Groote Schuur Hospital. The campaign seeks to give appreciation to ordinary heroes who are inspiring others during the Covid-19... Read More
