Urgent call for comment: Draft Interim Block Exemption for Tariffs Determination in Healthcare
All stakeholders are reminded that there is less than a week left to submit comments on the Draft Interim Block Exemption for Tariffs Determination in the Healthcare Sector. The deadline for submissions is 31 March 2025.
This proposed block exemption aims to reduce healthcare costs by establishing a multi-stakeholder tariff determination forum. This follows a recommendation by the Health Market Inquiry (HMI), published in 2019. The stated objective is to create a more transparent and fair pricing structure in private healthcare, ensuring affordability, sustainability and accessibility.
The Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness will be submitting its own comments.
Western Cape Minister of Health and Wellness, Mireille Wenger, emphasised, "These regulations allow medical schemes and healthcare providers to collectively determine tariffs for healthcare services. While this is a stop-gap measure, if implemented correctly, along with other key interventions, it could be a mechanism to reduce costs and combat medical inflation. Lowering the price of private healthcare through allowing collective negotiation by health funders over the next three years could have a huge impact on expanding access, enabling more people to receive care from private providers and in the process reducing the burden on public facilities. However, it is essential that this system is carefully managed to ensure it sustainably serves the interests of all stakeholders—most importantly, the patients and clients who deserve quality healthcare."
Minister Wenger urged intersted parties invested in South Africa’s healthcare future to submit comments before the deadline on 31 March 2025.
"I welcome the efforts of the National Department to engage the public and stakeholders on this important matter. It is crucial that all voices are heard and considered in shaping the future of healthcare in our country," she added.
To access the Draft Interim Block Exemption for Tariffs Determination in the Healthcare Sector follow this link.