Blueprint | Western Cape Government


(Western Cape Government)
Type of Document Year  Name of Document National/ Provincial Transversal/ DSD Specific Purpose
Blueprint 2010 Blueprint for Workstream on the Prevention and Treatment of Harmful Alcohol and Drug Use Provincial Transversal The purpose of this Blueprint is to design a provincial Prevention of and Treatment for Substance Abuse strategy to address harms associated with illegal drug use and alcohol abuse, together with an organisational framework for its efficient and sustained implementation.
Blueprint 2009 Blueprint for Forensic Investigative Unit Provincial Transversal The mandate of this Blueprint is to develop a service that is strategically positioned to be able to fulfil its mandate in relation to: 
• Investigating effectively alleged economic crime (Fraud, theft and corruption) as well as maladministration.
• Reporting effectively to the highest possible authority and raising awareness of economic crime and maladministration to enable departments to effectively detect and report on the same.
Blueprint 2009 Blueprint for Organisational Culture and Values Provincial Transversal The purpose of this Blueprint is to provide an organisational behaviour and performance conceptual framework which implies that values-driven leadership will create a high-performance organisational culture which will ultimately effect organisational performance and ensure service delivery excellence for all PGWC departments.
Blueprint 2009 Blue Print for Powers and Functions Workstream Provincial Transversal The purpose of this Blueprint is to locate those powers and functions that would release the capacity of the province to fulfil its mandate and assign powers to local government in accordance with the principle of subsidiarity enshrined in the Constitution. The re-allocation of powers and functions between provincial and local government will ensure that each sphere knows exactly what it is responsible for, thereby reducing inefficiency and increasing accountability, as well as reducing the costs of governance that excessive coordination of concurrency requires. The purpose of the nine principles in this conceptual framework is to guide the province when exercising its assignment powers. These principles apply only to the transfer of a specific power in a provincial area of functional responsibility to local government through a legislative or executive assignment or delegation.  Their purpose is to ensure that any transfer of a provincial power to local government is congruent with local government’s constitutional mandate; will incentivise better service delivery and accountability without compromising local government finances and essential national and provincial interests in particular equitable access to services; and follows a consistent, transparent and inclusive process.
Blueprint 2009 Blueprint for Registry and e-Filing Provincial Transversal This Blueprint was developed to:
• Optimise existing filing systems and introduce a uniform e-filing system as practice in the PGWC.
• Address duplication, legal compliance and accessibility.
• Safeguard institutional memory and information.


The content on this page was last updated on 27 July 2023