Debate On Premier’s State of The Province Address | Western Cape Government



Debate On Premier’s State of The Province Address

23 February 2018


23 February 2018

Note to Editors: The following speech was delivered today, by Minister Bonginkosi Madikizela during a debate on the State of the Province Address in the Western Cape Provincial Parliament.

Madam Speaker
Madam Premier
Leader of the opposition
Cabinet colleagues
Members of the House
Ladies and gentlemen

Madam Speaker, let me start by thanking the citizens of Cape Town for heeding the call to reduce water consumption since we started the DefeatDayZero campaign. Their commitment to the course to avoid day zero anticipated to be on the 12th of April 2018 has pushed it further and further weekly, to now the 9th of July 2018. 

If we continue to use 50 litres of water per person per day, we will keep on pushing day zero even further until our augmentation plans produce more water from our aquifers and desalination plants. 

Madam Speaker, let me also congratulate our Democratic Alliance teams in both Beaufort West Ward 2 and Overstrand Ward 13 for retaining our Wards by 60% and 95% respectively. This is a resounding victory for the DA despite the challenges we are faced with - a clear indication that the voters in the Western Cape believe in our brand. 

On Friday the 16th of February, I, was privileged to attend the State of the Nation Address delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa. His speech was welcomed by many as a promising departure from Jacob Zuma's disastrous Presidency. Many people, here and abroad were really desperate for good news, and Ramaphosa's New Dawn speech was hailed as such. 

Madam Speaker, like many South Africans I would love to give President Ramaphosa a chance. But I'm honestly not holding my breath - because Madam Speaker, you can only judge a person by his track record, not what he's promising to do, and Ramaphosa's doesn't inspire confidence. 

This is the same Ramaphosa who told us in April 2016 that people in the Eastern Cape were not concerned about Nkandla. He said this justifying his defence for Zuma.

It's the same Ramaphosa who sent an email, putting pressure on the Police and Mining Ministers to take concomitant actions against workers who were protesting for a wage increase in Marikana, calling them criminals before they were gunned down in August 2012. Six years later, only after he is elected the President of the country speaks about atonement. That is an insult to those widows and orphans who are still suffering from that painful ordeal. 

It's the same Ramaphosa who was assigned by Cabinet in 2014 to develop a turnaround strategy for the state-owned enterprises but failed dismally to curb the looting that was happening there. 

So Madam Speaker, I'm sure you understand why I don't share this optimism. 

On the issue of Cape Town and the Mayor, the hypocrisy and political expedience of the ANC was laid bare for everyone to see. It was the ANC that tabled a motion of no confidence against the Mayor, withdrew it and then defended her after receiving instruction from Luthuli House.

And the reason for that Madam Speaker is that ANC Western Cape leadership was told they a bunch of useless individuals. They must support the Mayor because she might be their Premier candidate come 2019. 

This is not surprising given the ineptness of ANC’s leadership of Khaya Magaxa and Faiez Jacobs in the Province. I must say, these two are the weakest leaders the ANC has ever had in the Western Cape. 

In his opinion piece on Daily Maverick of the 7th of February 2018, Gareth van Onselen describes the ANC in the Western Cape as the world's worst opposition party. Failing to capitalize on the challenges faced by the DA. It is a directionless and an incoherent organization with no political strategy. 

During her state of the Province Address, Premier Helen Zille highlighted the successes of this government since 2009, a stark contrast to ANC government in all other Provinces and nationally. 

Madam Speaker, when we took over this government from the ANC in 2009, we committed to do three things as part of our strategic objectives.

Improve our education outcome 
Attract investment and 
Create jobs 

As my colleagues will elaborate later, we are on the right track to achieve these goals despite many challenges faced by our country due to failures of National Government. 


Madam Speaker, even though we are bragging about having built more than four million houses nationally since 1995 - there is currently a 59% national backlog in the transfer of ownership to housing subsidy beneficiaries. 

In the Western Cape, we’ve brought this down to 25%.  In total, we’ve delivered over 82 830 title deeds to beneficiaries since 2009 - the best delivery in the country according to the Presidency report. 

The province of the Western Cape is also leading on other performance indicators like upgrading of informal settlements and affordable housing, including social housing. 


Madam Speaker, last year the National Department of Human Settlements approved 50 Catalytic Projects, 8 of those are in the Western Cape. These projects will completely change the landscape in size and in approach and are going to yield around 105 000 catering for all income categories. More details will be revealed during my budget speech later this month.

Lastly Madam Speaker, I want to thank the Premier for a clear and detailed State of the Province address yesterday. Unlike the State of the Nation Address which focussed on plans, promises, summits and seminars - her speech was an account of what this Province has managed to achieve under her leadership. 


I thank you.

Media Enquiries: 

Ntomboxolo Makoba-Somdaka
Spokesperson for Minister Bonginkosi Madikizela
Tel: 021 483-4798
Cell: 082 953 0026