Media Alert: Official Handover of Vanguard Art Clinic | Western Cape Government


Media Alert: Official Handover of Vanguard Art Clinic

28 October 2009
The South African Medical and Education Foundation will hand over a newly constructed ARV/TB Clinic at the Vanguard Community Health Centre to the Western Cape Provincial Department of Health. The Foundation is a Public Benefit Organisation and its primary focus is to help equip regional and rural hospitals with much needed infrastructure and medical equipment.

The South African Medical and Education Foundations primary function for this year is to assist the Western Cape Provincial Department of Health in the Cape Province, Free State and KwaZulu Natal with medical equipment and infrastructure for TB, HIV, and also assisting in getting health facilities ready for the 2010 Soccer World Cup.

Venue: Vanguard Community Health Centre
Date: Friday, 30th October 2009
Time: 14:00

For more information please contact:

Sithembiso Magubane
Cell: 073 662 5482

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