Plans on track to ensure improved health service delivery to Atlantis Community | Western Cape Government


Plans on track to ensure improved health service delivery to Atlantis Community

15 August 2023

The Western Cape Department of Health and Wellness (WCGHW) and City of Cape Town (CoCT) are working closely together to ensure plans remain on track for a smooth service handover of the Saxon Sea and Protea Park Clinics in Atlantis. 

The transition process for the CoCT to fully handover the operations of the clinics to WCGHW continues as a joint team focuses on the technical and logistical work required, including transferring patient appointments, conversion of health information management systems and proper equipping of both facilities for expanded service packages. The process of handover is estimated to be completed by February 2024.

The expansion of the package of care that phases in comprehensive primary health services at Protea Park and Saxon Sea is dependent on new categories of staff. The recruitment process of healthcare workers with the necessary skills is underway. As part of the service handover, the CoCT is managing the redeployment of its staff currently working at these facilities.

To date, services offered by CoCT have been focused on child health and sexual reproductive health services, basic antenatal care, treatment of sexually transmitted infections, TB screening & treatment as well as HIV counselling and testing services. Pending the full-service package being available, these services rendered by CoCT staff at the Protea Park and Saxon Sea clinics will continue.

Our efforts to improve healthcare services for our patients in Atlantis remains a high priority. To this end, the following additional service improvement offerings and recruitments are envisioned for the Atlantis community:

  • Our chronic appointment service at the Protea Park Clinic on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, has now increased to a FULL-DAY service.
  • The new integrated adult chronic care services for stable chronic patients, including diabetes, high blood pressure, and depression has successfully been transferred to Protea Park Clinic.  This has ensured reduced waiting times and it enables us to help more eligible patients than before.
  • Plans to provide optometry services at Saxon Sea and Protea Park (space permitting and by appointment) remain a priority and we are working with the service provider to establish a service plan.
  • Access to mental health services will be boosted with an additional specialist mental health professional nurse who will permanently work between Protea Park clinic, Saxon Sea clinic and Mamre CDC. We are currently recruiting for the position.
  • When Protea Park clinic can operate as a fully-fledged CDC, a pharmacist will be recruited to assist in developing full Pharmacy Services and support further expansion of chronic medication delivery and distribution in Atlantis.
  • permanent Medical Officer post has been created.
  • senior family physician, a medical specialist, shall provide oversight to improve quality clinical care. This historic additional investment to our current team of two family physicians at Wesfleur Hospital will have specific professional focus on improving patients’ access to different levels of care at Mamre CDC, Protea Park Clinic and Saxon Sea Clinic. 

The following infrastructure improvements are in process in order to improve our patient experience at Wesfleur Hospital:

  • The upgrade and extension of the Wesfleur Hospital Records Room. The construction is planned to start January 2025, but we are working towards an earlier start date so that a new covered waiting area will be created sooner for our patients at Wesfleur Hospital.
  • A contractor is on site at Wesfleur Hospital to fix faulty toilets at the facility.
  • Upgrade of the Wesfleur Hospital linen room is scheduled to start in February 2024.

“The health and wellness of our residents is one of our top priorities and these improvements will not only further cement the services already available, but expand the basket. Healthier residents make for healthier families and a healthier community,” said the City’s Mayoral Committee Member for Community Services and Health, Councillor Patricia Van der Ross.

Western Cape Minister of Health and Wellness, Dr Nomafrench Mbombo, concluded by saying: “We remain wholly committed to strengthening to whole health system in Atlantis so that residents are able to receive comprehensive services in their community. The focus is not only on the impact this will have primary health care, but also how this transition will improve all healthcare services such as those in the hospital, EMS and community-based services.”

“As a Department, we have been working closely with our colleagues in the City of Cape Town to ensure that this transition is done effectively and smoothly. Thank you to the communities for the input they have made in this process and we look forward to engaging them further in due course on these updates. The progress to date has been promising and we know that these facilities will continue to play a positive role in the lives of Atlantis residents.”

We continue to focus on improving service delivery and providing a comprehensive package of care to the broader Atlantis community. We encourage patients to maintain their appointment schedules as provided by the CoCT clinics and Department of Health and Wellness services.