MEC Grant: Announcement on the Future of Hospital Schools in the Province | Western Cape Government


MEC Grant: Announcement on the Future of Hospital Schools in the Province

11 November 2009
One of the first items that were placed on my agenda when entering this office was the proposal to close the province's seven hospital schools.

The previous MEC for Education in the Western Cape, Mr Yousuf Gabru, had given notice that he intended to close the hospital schools and transfer their functions to resource centres, otherwise known as special schools, from where they would render their services to hospitalised learners. The previous MEC felt that the transfer of these schools functions to resource centres would improve the education of hospitalised learners.

These schools include the Red Cross Children's Hospital School in Rondebosch, Tygerberg Hospital School in Parow, Groote Schuur and Princess Alice Hospital School's, situated at Groote Schuur Hospital, in Observatory, Brewelskloof Hospital School in Worcester, Maitland Cottage Home Hospital School in Newlands and the Sonstraal Hospital School, situated at Lentegeur Hospital, in Mitchell's Plain.

As stipulated in the South African Schools Act, 1996 (Act 84 of 1996) Section 33 Closure of public schools and the Western Cape Provincial School Education Act, 1997, a number of processes must be followed before the closure of a public school can be considered.

This includes giving the governing body the opportunity to make representations in relation to the closure of their school, conducting a public hearing, and giving due considerations to any representation received.

I have visited most of these schools and have been witness to so much love and care by these educators towards their hospitalised learners. Their dedication and professionalism in dealing with children sensitively has led me to believe that these schools, whether a public school or an arm of a resource centre, are essential centres for learning.

After following due process, taking into consideration recommendations made by the Western Cape Education Department (WCED), and applying my mind, I have made a final decision on the matter.

Taking the practical circumstances at the three major hospitals into account, and given that they have bigger staff establishments, I have decided that Red Cross Children's Hospital School, Tygerberg Hospital School, and the two Groote Schuur Hospital Schools will remain special public schools. Princess Alice Hospital School and the Groote Schuur Hospital Schools will, however, be amalgamated for practical reasons.

The three remaining hospital schools will close and will transfer their functions to one of the larger special schools, in their respective areas, from where their services will be rendered.

With reference to the representations made by the governing bodies of these schools, and their communities, I believe that this decision will be welcomed by all parties.

I am confident that these institutions will continue to render their unique and valuable service to the many young hospitalised learners in the province. This will ensure that they will not be deprived of their right of access to quality education.

I would like to end by thanking all the educators in these schools who are prepared to go the extra mile for these learners, and to thank all the hospitals that accommodate them.

Media Enquiries: 

Bronagh Casey
Ministry for Education
Western Cape
Cell: 072 724 1422
Tel: 021 467 2377