Minister Grant Reviews Effects of Stayaway | Western Cape Government


Minister Grant Reviews Effects of Stayaway

9 August 2010

Reports received from our district offices indicate that 7% (102) of our schools closed as a result of today's industrial strike action.

Reports also indicate that just over a quarter (26%) of educators were absent from work.

I would like to thank district officials for their effective monitoring of absenteeism levels and for ensuring that learners were supervised wherever possible.

I would also like to thank any school governing body members and parents who stepped in to assist.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely. Indications are that the action embarked on by two of the three teacher unions will be of short duration.

I would again like to reiterate to parents and caregivers to send their children to school tomorrow.

The sooner the situation in all our schools returns to normal, the better it will be for all concerned.

Media Enquiries: 

Bronagh Casey
Spokesperson Minister of Education, Donald Grant
Western Cape
Cell: 072 724 1422
Tel: 021 467 2377