City Call Centre Flooded by Residents Seeking Relief | Western Cape Government


City Call Centre Flooded by Residents Seeking Relief

25 October 2006
A flood of calls from residents to the City of Cape Town's call centre 0860 103 089, incorrectly trying to either seek relief under the City's Indigent Policy or make an arrangement to pay off their arrears debt, is blocking the lines and frustrating callers. Residents must make a personal visit to one of the City's Customer Care Offices in order to do this.

In order to assist residents the Customer Care Office in the Civic Centre, Cape Town is open from Monday - Friday and on a Saturday from 07:00 until the last person leaves, even if this is at 23:00. The other offices will only operate during normal business hours.

Derek Harris, the City's Director: Revenue, says that this overwhelming response follows Mayor Helen Zille's invitation on 5 October to all residents who owe the City money for rates and services, but who are unable to pay their debts, to come forward and take advantage of the City's Indigent Policy.

"While we are obliged in terms of the Municipal Systems Act to collect rates and service fees, and also to implement credit control and debt collection, we do not want people who are experiencing financial difficulties to feel that they have nowhere to turn. We have an indigent policy which will ensure that disadvantaged people in our city can continue to receive services'", Mayor Zille said.

All residents who have a total household income of less than R1 640-00 per month and who do not own more than one property, qualify for indigent relief in terms of the policy, no matter how big their debt is.

Residents who qualify cannot make arrangements by telephone. There are legal documents that must be signed. They must come to any Customer Care Office, bring an ID document, and proof of income in the form of a payslip, confirmation of income from their employer, an affidavit of income or proof of receipt of disability, maintenance grant or pension. Unemployed claimants need to provide an affidavit confirming their status and a declaration that they have no other source of income. The details of the people over the age of 18 years living on the property, including their ID numbers and source of income, if any, also need to be provided.

Residents with arrears debt for rates and service charges who do not qualify for indigent assistance can also visit a Customer Care Office and make an arrangement with the City. They will not face debt collection action and will not be charged any interest on arrears, provided that they pay their current account together with an agreed amount towards their arrears. "This cannot be done by way of a telephone call", says Harris.

The City is serious about reducing the rates and services arrears of R3.5 billion. Some 62 000 final demand notices have been issued. Another 290 000 will be issued before mid-November.

If residents want to pay their debt in full they may do so at any of the City's Customer Care Offices or at any other City of Cape Town cash receiving office. Full payment may also be made at the Post Office, Shoprite, Pick `n Pay, Woolworths and at any branch of ABSA bank.

Issued by:
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media queries:
Derek Harris
Director: Revenue
Tel: 021 400 2270

Media Enquiries: