City Parks Ensure that Trees get a New Home | Western Cape Government


City Parks Ensure that Trees get a New Home

7 November 2006
The intense development activity in Cape Town's Central City that has characterised the area over the past few years continues apace.

Preparatory work is soon going to commence on construction of the new Taj Hotel development in St George's Mall which is part of the iconic Mandela-Rhodes Place project.

The initial activity requires the demolition of the old Cape of Good Hope Bank Building at the Wale Street end of St George's Mall. In order for demolition to commence, trucks will have to access the Mall where currently five 8 metre high Celtis sinensis, commonly known as White Stinkwood, trees are situated.

Cape Town's City Parks Department, in order to save the trees, have arranged that they will be relocated to the City Council nursery in Newlands until suitable new locations have been found for them. In effect, no trees will be harmed, and City Parks will continue to encourage Central City developers to incorporate similar trees into their new urban design plans.

Martin Kearns, CEO of Eurocape, has confirmed that for every tree removed, the company will plant double the number of trees in appropriate community locations as part of their ongoing Corporate Social Investment commitment.


The removal operation will provide an excellent photo opportunity. It will probably take place towards the end of next week. Please liaise with Dave Curran in this regard.

Issued by:
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media queries:
Dave Curran
City Parks
City of Cape Town
Cell: 084 629 6965

Wendy Masters
Phoenix Partnership
Cell: 083 501 5001

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