Mayor to Officially open Philippi Market | Western Cape Government


Mayor to Officially open Philippi Market

7 November 2006
Cape Town is to get a brand new market in the form of the Philippi Fresh Produce Market which has now officially opened its doors.

The R30 million market on the corner of Stock Road and Market Street, will serve as a distribution centre of fresh and agricultural produce to the Cape Flats. It will have a positive impact on the emerging farming sector and serve as a catalyst for development in the Greater Philippi area. It will also link with a number of other fresh produce markets in South Africa.

Situated opposite the Joe Gqabi Transport Interchange, the new facility has a dairy outlet and wholesalers, retailers and value-adding complexes.

During the first phase some 160 jobs were created on-site as well as 600 jobs for emerging farmers. The number of farmers will increase to 2 500 after about five years and they will cultivate land covering 5 000 hectares. A further 320 jobs will be created downstream for informal traders, street vendors and hawkers.

The market will comprise of sales halls for wholesalers and brokers, rooms for some 15 retailers as well as 40 downstream traders, a central pack house, banana ripening centre, dairy outlet, processing facilities, a composting plant, seedling nursery and a transport system.

The market will be officially opened by the Executive Mayor of Cape Town, Helen Zille.

Date: Thursday, 9 November 2006
Time: 12:00 for 12:30
Venue: Philippi Market, c/o Stock and Market Roads, Philippi

All media are welcome to attend.

Issued by:
Lisle Brown
Media Liaison Officer
Tel: 021 400 3065
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media queries:
Francois van Niekerk
Project Manager
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 5052

Thys de Wet
MBB Consulting Engineers
Isifingo Operating Company
Tel: 021 887 1026

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