Highest City Honours for Taliep Petersen | Western Cape Government


Highest City Honours for Taliep Petersen

17 December 2006
The City of Cape Town is to bestow one of its highest civic honours on slain composer and entertainer, Taliep Petersen.

Executive Mayor, Alderman Helen Zille, has announced that the City will honour Petersen with a memorial tribute after a mourning period of three months and ten days.

Details of the tribute will be announced closer to the time of the event.

Petersen who was brutally murdered at his home over the weekend was a born and bred Capetonian who shot to fame with his musical creations such as District Six the Musical and Kat and the Kings. He was highly regarded as a bridge builder who promoted unity by transcending the country's cultural divide.

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Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media queries:
Mayor Helen Zille
Office of the Mayor
Tel: 021 400 1300

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