City Satisfied with Behaviour of Public over Festive Season | Western Cape Government


City Satisfied with Behaviour of Public over Festive Season

4 January 2007

The City's Disaster Risk Management Centre is generally happy with the way the public behaved over the long weekend. The New Year's celebrations went off without any trouble.

Wilfred Solomons, Acting Head of the Disaster Risk Management Centre, said that there were no significant incidents over the weekend where people were disorderly in public.

"I would like to thank the public for maintaining law and order. I hope that this co-operation will continue so that the festive season, which is still in full swing, will be completed without any incidents," said Solomons.

Generally criminal activities decreased over the festive weekend compared to previous years.

Although actual statistics are not available the Disaster Risk Management Centre clearly noted a decrease in incidents.

The heavy presence of the Metropolitan Police Department supported by the South African Police Services (SAPS) in Cape Town with their zero tolerance approach regarding reckless, negligent and drunken driving contributed to a safe festive season.

"The festive season was calm and quiet and the crime-free environment enabled the public to enjoy the festive weekends. That's a good sign and we ask the public to work with law enforcement agencies in fighting crime and maintaining law and order in our society - throughout the year" he added.

Despite the decrease in the crime rate over the festive weekends, the Metropolitan Police Department and SAPS would continue with their high visibility deployment of law enforcement, both by officers in vehicles and on foot. This is to ensure that everyone continues to enjoy a safe environment during the remainder of the busy holiday period.

Issued By:
Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town

Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media Queries:
Wilfred Solomons
Disaster Risk Management Centre
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 597 5000
Cell: 084 711 7709

Media Enquiries: