2010 Business Plan for Cape Town Highlights Investment and Benefits | Western Cape Government


2010 Business Plan for Cape Town Highlights Investment and Benefits

29 October 2006
Multi-billion Rand investment in a world-class multi-purpose stadium, improved transport systems, other infrastructure and extensive preparations for 2010 World Cup are contained in the joint business plan of the Western Cape Provincial Government and the City of Cape Town.

The business plan is to be submitted to the National Treasury on deadline tomorrow, 31 October. It will form the basis for negotiating what portion of the R8,4 billion allocated for 2010 stadium construction nationally will be given to Cape Town.

The plan was approved today at a joint meeting of Premier Ebrahim Rasool, Executive Mayor Helen Zille, the Provincial Cabinet and Mayoral Committee.

The cost of the 68 000-seater stadium in Green Point has been calculated at R2,49 billion (excluding VAT). The City of Cape Town has committed R400 million and the Province R100 million to 2010 costs, leaving a balance of R2 billion which is requested from National Treasury.

Premier Ebrahim Rasool said: "This business plan is a blueprint of commitment and hope for the people of Cape Town and the Western Cape. It will require determination and hard work to ensure success, but the rewards will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience and opportunities to give our surroundings and infrastructure a major boost."

Executive Mayor Helen Zille said: "The joint effort by the Province and the City makes it clear to FIFA, the Organising Committee and the world that Cape Town is excited and committed to host spectacular 2010 events. This can only improve our attractiveness as a destination for investors and visitors while improving the infrastructure and facilities for all who live here."

The stadium will be situated close to a residential area. Specific objections by residents during the Environmental Impact Assessment [EIA] related to noise levels, visual impact, financial sustainability and parking. Measures to manage these concerns, geological and additional site specific costs are estimated to cost some R609 000 000. Measures to address EIA concerns may be made legal obligations when a Record of Decision for one of the two possible sites is announced by the Provincial Government.

According to the business plan the 2010 FIFA World CupTM marketing opportunities are tremendous with an estimated international visitor arrival of 500 000 people and a cumulative television audience of 25 to 28 billion. The event will also leave a legacy of benefits which includes new facilities, upgraded infrastructure, commercial and social development benefits as well as skills.

Issued by:
Directorate: Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media Queries:
Provincial Government:
Shadow Twala

City of Cape Town:
Pieter Cronje

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