News Highlights from City of Cape Town Council Meeting of 7 December 2006 | Western Cape Government


News Highlights from City of Cape Town Council Meeting of 7 December 2006

6 December 2006
Headlines Headlines
  • City asks to get electricity distribution back
  • R10,6 million for Khayelitsha Community Trust
  • Westbank Clinic receives additional R2,2 million
  • Draft Urban Agriculture Policy approved
  • City to get own broadband network
  • Additional R500 000 for Prestwich Street Memorial
  • City Biodiversity Network updated
  • Disaster Risk Management Volunteer policy approved
  • Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha get R200 000 for safety
  • R1,4 million for Vanguard Drive CCTVs
  • New name for Trading Services Portfolio Committee
  • Green Point negotiations get green light
  • City recommends rezoning of Green Point Common
  • Violence prevention in Khayelitsha gets R4,6 million
  • City two get two new Subcouncils
  • Junior City Council to return
  • Council breaks for summer recess
  • C I T Y R E V I E W

    City to ask electricity distribution back
    COUNCIL's contract with RED1 ends on 31 December and officials have been mandated to seek legal counsel, as well to approach the National Energy Regulator (NERSA) to transfer the electricity distribution licence back to the City. (Item 7/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Lionel Roelf, Tel: 021 400 1303
    Louise Muller, Tel: 021 400 3940

    R10,6 million for Khayelitsha Community Trust
    The City has approved a payment of R10,6m to the Khayelitsha Community Trust (KCT) for contracting services relating to the upgrading and improvement of the bulk electricity supply in the Khayelitsha Business District (KBD). The R8,5m will only be paid out on submission of contractors' invoices. (Item 19/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Wasfie Hassiem, Tel: 021 400 1298
    André Human, Tel: 021 400 5125

    Westbank Clinic receives additional R2,2 million
    Additional capital funding of R2,2 million has been approved for the new Westbank Clinic for the next financial year. The total project cost will be R10,1 million of which R200 000 was used last year, another R2,8m was allocated for the current year and a further R5m for next year. The City Council approved the additional expenditure on next year's budget. (Item 22/12/06)

    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Martin Fienies, Tel: 021 400 1299
    Dr Ivan Toms, Tel: 021 400 2100

    City increases housing grant for the poor
    The City has raised the income ceiling of beneficiaries of its housing indigent grant from a monthly household income of R1 200 to R1 640 per month, with immediate effect. The amount of R1 640 is equal to the sum of two State pensions, and the new grant is of particular benefit to senior citizens and single income families. (Item C24/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Dan Plato, Tel: 021 400 1304
    Wayne Muller, Tel: 021 400 5122

    Draft Urban Agriculture Policy approved
    Council has approved a draft Urban Agriculture policy which will co-ordinate urban agricultural activities in the City. It addresses several issues including road safety risks caused by free roaming animals, health risks, the degradation of environmentally sensitive areas, and pollution of ground water. The policy will be referred to the Human Settlement Services Directorate to determine whether any further concerns need to be included. (Item C27/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Wasfie Hassiem, Tel: 021 400 129
    Stanley Visser Tel: 021 550 1091

    City to get own broadband network
    The City's Information System and Technology Department receives the green light to proceed with initial planning for the development of an internal broadband network at an estimated cost of R400 million. They first have to submit a fully costed business model to the Mayoral Committee for approval. Such a system will replace the City's reliance on third party providers and enable more buildings to be connected. Once commissioned, the network will produce an immediate cost saving of some R40m per annum, and improve the quality of services. (Item C28/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Belinda Walker, Tel: 021 400 1314
    Nirvesh Sooful, Tel: 021 400 1251

    Junior City Council to return
    Council has decided to re-establish the Junior City Council among grades 11 and 12 learners to broaden their knowledge of local government. The former Junior Council ceased to exist after the disbanding of the former Transformation Directorate. Discussions will be held with school principals across the metropolitan area to gain consensus on the process to be followed in re-establishing the Junior Council. The body will report to the Speaker. (Item C29/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Dirk Smit, Tel: 021 400 1287
    Ernest Sass, Tel: 021 400 1216

    Public invited to comment on transport plan
    The City of Cape Town is to conduct an extensive public participation process and invite input from its 3,3 million residents on its draft public transport plan. The statutory plan, which forms part of a wider Integrated Transport Plan, encapsulates the municipality's vision to transform and restructure the public transport industry by 2010. (Item C30/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Elizabeth Thompson, Tel: 021 400 1218
    Eddie Channappen, Tel: 021 400 2542

    Additional R500 000 for Prestwich Street Memorial
    The Prestwich Street Remains Project, currently under construction, is to receive an additional R500 000 to supplement the original budget which was based on a preliminary estimate before the tender was advertised. After receival of the tenders it was evident that the budget needed revision as costs were 9,5% higher than originally anticipated. (Item C35/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, Tel: 021 400 1307
    Basil Tommy, Tel: 021 400 2320

    City Biodiversity Network updated
    The City has endorsed its commitment to the conservation of the metropole's biodiversity network. A successfully implemented network will contribute to Council's goals of improving quality of life, creating easy access to safe natural areas, as well as creating tourism and job opportunities. The City falls within the Cape Floral Kingdom, the smallest yet richest of the plant kingdoms of the world. It is one of 25 internationally recognised hotspots of biodiversity. (Item C39/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Marian Nieuwoudt, Tel: 021 400 1307
    Osman Asmal, Tel: 021 487 2200

    Disaster Risk Management Volunteer policy approved
    Council has approved a Disaster Risk Management Volunteer policy in time for the festive and fire seasons. The policy will allow the City to recruit and deploy volunteers to assist in disaster management such as firefighting and flooding. (Item C41/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Dumisani Ximbi, Tel: 021 400 1290
    Greg Pillay, Tel: 021 597 5009

    Mitchells Plain and Khayelitsha get R200 000 for safety
    The City has received nearly R200 000 from the provincial government for the maintenance of CCTV and radio system in Khayelitsha and Mitchells Plain. Province granted R11,5 million in 2003 for the installation of a CCTV system in Khayelitsha, Mitchells Plain, the Philippi interchange and Mandalay station. An amount of R193 705 will be added to the Metro Police Department's operation budget for this purpose. (Item C44/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Dumisani Ximbi, Tel: 021 400 1290
    Ridwan Wagiet, Tel: 021 419 2006

    R1,4 million for Vanguard Drive CCTVs
    Sunwest International granted R1,4 million to the Metro Police Department's operating budget for maintenance of the Vanguard Drive CCTV cameras. Since 2002, Sunwest has been paying the City

    R700 000 per annum for maintenance of the system. The cameras on Vanguard Drive between the N1 and N2 demands substantial maintenance and the 2005/06 expenditure in the previous financial year was reflected against the normal maintenance budget. (Item C45/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Dumisani Ximbi, Tel: 021 400 1290
    Ridwan Wagiet, Tel: 021 419 2006

    New name for Trading Services Portfolio Committee
    The name of the Trading Services Portfolio Committee has been changed to the Utility Services Portfolio Committee in line with the organisational re-alignment of the City's services departments. (Item C48/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Cllr Lionel Roelf, Tel: 021 400 1303
    Garnett Jefferies, Tel: 021 400 3500

    Green Point negotiations get green light
    Council has approved an urban design proposal for the reconfiguration of the Green Point Common to provide for the construction of the new multipurpose stadium. It also has also given the green light for negotiations with the Green Point Common Association to commence immediately to establish a joint managing system for the Common. (Item C51/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Mike Marsden, Tel: 021 400 5010

    City recommends rezoning of Green Point Common
    The City Council is to recommend to the provincial government a portion of the Green Point Common from Public Open Space Zone to a Community Facility Zone to permit the development of the construction for the new multipurpose Green Point Stadium. Such a rezoning is in keeping with the Urban Structure Plan, the Metropolitan Spatial Development Framework, the Muni-Spatial Development Framework as well as the City's Futures Plan and the Integrated Development Plan (IDP). (Item C56/12/06)
    Media enquiries:
    Mike Marsden, Tel: 021 400 5010
    Sydney Holden, Tel: 021 400 5340

    Council breaks for summer recess
    Council will break for the annual summer recess on December 8 and resume duties on January 15, 2007. (Item C46/12/06)

Media Enquiries: 

Cllr Dirk Smit, Tel: (021) 400-1287

Issued by:
Jan Kruger
Communication Department
Tel: 021 400 1292