City Tackles Crime and Grime at Cape Town Station Deck | Western Cape Government


City Tackles Crime and Grime at Cape Town Station Deck

2 April 2007
Major clean-up operations are taking place at Cape Town's Station Deck as part of the City of Cape Town's drive to create a cleaner and safer environment for thousands of commuters and residents.

"During the past few months, the City and other role-players have started tackling crime and grime issues in co-operation with informal traders and taxi operators," says Councillor Elizabeth Thompson, Mayoral Committee Member for Transport, Roads and Stormwater.

"With about 250 illegal traders operating on the deck, crime prevention and pedestrian access were severely impeded by the crowded conditions and criminal activities such as drug peddling and prostitution.

"The City has now regulated all informal trading activities by removing illegal traders and creating 88 legal trading bays, 59 of which are now occupied by properly licensed traders," says Cllr Thompson.

Negotiations are continuing with Intersite to accommodate 20 food traders and introduce measures to improve health conditions.

In a concerted effort by SAPS, Railways Police, Metro Police and contracted security, crime hot spots have been identified and effectively dealt with. This has led to a significant decline in drug dealing, prostitution, muggings and illegal trading. Crime prevention operations and law enforcement continue on a daily basis.

"The City in cooperation with the Western Cape Provincial Parliament is addressing the backlog in issuing of permits. Furthermore, the City is obtaining temporary licences to operators in the queue, and issuing access control tokens to operators in possession of permits. A total of 690 tokens have been issued thus far, and booms have been installed.

"Overall conditions are been improved with the on-going removal of litter, repairs to uneven surfaces, the installation of traffic signage and clearing of drains," says Cllr Thompson.

Issued by:
Communication and Marketing
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 2201
Fax: 021 957 0023

Media Queries:
Vincent Jonas
Spokesperson for Transport, Roads & Stormwater
Tel: 021 400 1218
Cell: 084 200 1229

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