Relocation of Displaced People to Resume at Weekend | Western Cape Government


Relocation of Displaced People to Resume at Weekend

1 September 2008
Joint Media Release - Provincial Government and City of Cape Town

The relocation of displaced people from community halls and two safety sites will resume on Saturday, 6 September. Safety site staff at Harmony Park, Youngsfield and Blue Waters will repair and clean-up storm damage from the weekend, stabilize the sites, erect more UN tents and prepare facilities until then.

More than 500 people were either relocated or reintegrated into communities during three days of relocation last Thursday Friday and Saturday.

A total of 265 people chose to reintegrate, while 315 people were moved to Harmony Park or Blue Waters, and five community halls were closed.

Only 124 people refused to move for now (most at Silwerstroom safety site), and consultation will continue. After moving 240 Somalis to Blue Waters on Saturday, the remaining people at Soetwater will be relocated over the weekend or they could choose to reintegrate.

Once empty, Soetwater and Silwerstroom sites will be closed and services will be diverted to the remaining three safety sites.

The United Nations is monitoring the relocation process and supports it.

Issued by:
The Communication Department, City of Cape Town

Media Enquiries: 

Pieter Cronjé
City of Cape Town
Cell: 082 465 4965

Palesa Morudu
Provincial Government of the Western Cape
Cell: 082 304 2425