Launch of the Cape Town Green Map on World Environment Day | Western Cape Government


Launch of the Cape Town Green Map on World Environment Day

4 June 2009
The City of Cape Town, in partnership with Urban Sprout and A&C Maps, invites you to the launch of the Cape Town Green Map on World Environment Day, 05 June 2009 at 9a.m.


WHEN: Friday, 5 June 2009 - from 09:00 onwards

VENUE: Your laptop, PC or iPhone - no travel costs or carbon footprint

DRESS CODE: Optional - but locally designed garb from hemp/bamboo/organic cotton is encouraged

SPEAKERS: None - an untold saving on hot air and CO2 emissions

RSVP: Log on to asap to receive your FREE Green Media Pass. With this pass, you will receive access to our up-to-the-minute news feed on the day of the launch.

The radical idea of a virtual carbon-neutral launch has a light environmental footprint.

Steadfast Greening will sponsor the offset of our server's carbon emissions for the launch with Renewable Energy Certificates - more about that in our news items.

In addition, there will be:
? no printed invitations (save on ink/chemicals, paper/trees)
? no printed media packs (save on ink/chemicals, paper/trees and packaging)
? no travel to the venue (save on CO2 emissions, time and roadwork frustration)
? no food or beverages (save on packaging, waste, energy and food miles)
? no speakers, official openings, 'live' performers (save on CO2 emissions, uncomfortable silences and the effort to look impressed).

Instead you will have immediate access, via your Green Media Pass, to news items about Cape Town Green Map's launch and an online interactive map that promises to change the face of the Mother City by providing greener lifestyle choices for visitors and residents alike.

The launch is set to coincide with the global launch of Open Green Map - - a community of over 4 000 local green living sites around the world. This locally-led global movement is now in more than 50 countries, all of whom are encouraged to take part in the 05 June launch celebration.

World Environment Day is a United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) initiative celebrated annually on 05 June in more than 100 countries. The theme for 2009 is climate change and the broader consequences of
environmental change, and what societies can do in response.

But it is on Cape Town that the eyes of this community and the rest of the world are focused as next year's 2010 FIFA World CupTM event fast approaches. As the first Green Map on the continent, Cape Town leads Africa in a project that shares sustainable sites and resources online with the rest of the world - a fitting status when you consider its distinction as a biodiversity hotspot.

Issued by:
Communication Department
City of Cape Town
Tel: 021 400 3719

Media Queries:
Arné Purves
Professional Officer: Environmental Management Systems
Environmental Resource Management Department
City of Cape Town
Cell: 082 940 8937

Media Enquiries: